Raging Bull

Becoming a Bull: The Bull Mindset

People want the Lamborghini, the raging bull. But why don’t you just turn yourself into a raging bull instead?

Money and power?

More money is not more power. Money is actually not related to power. I think what is more important in terms of power is courage and valor. Nothing else.

Humans are bad at math? 

I think the problem with math, money is that intuitively, humans are not good at math. For example, Seneca at the age of three years, one month: it is funny because for the most part he knows one, too, or “manh-hee” (a lot, in Korean).

Apparently also in a lot of indigenous cultures, they do a similar distinction. Not individual counting, but simply referring to a lot of things as “many”. 

What is “gambling”?

When you only speculate things in order to make money; not what you really care or believe in?

The reason why I like to call myself speculator, a cryptocurrency speculator, a bitcoin speculator is that in truth, ain’t nobody know the future. All of my predictions, they are seated in intuition, but feelings, and also some conceptual framework I have about the world. It looks like ultimately I was right, but this doesn’t really even matter; tomorrow I could be wrong, the day after I might be “more right.”

It doesn’t matter whether I am right or wrong, but whether I win or lose.

In terms of finances, winning is simple:

Just keep seeing the number go up!

But also this is tricky because on what time scale? On the minute basis, the hourly basis, the day basis, the week basis, the month basis, the year basis, the 10 year basis? 

For example my bitcoin bet; I am glad that I was mostly ignorant to the news and the prices, I intentionally avoided. Apparently last year it was a low around 18,000 a bitcoin, and the other day it hit an all-time new high, I think around $69,000 a bitcoin. It dipped a little bit the other day and I bought more.

So with predictions, price predictions, I think you want to be right in the 10 year, 20 year, 30 year time scale. Why do you think at this time scale? Thinking about your kid, your kids, their kids kids.


How many gains, or how much gains is enough gains?

Humans, we are insatiable. We always want more.

For example, I think it was just the other day I remember having only $100 in my savings account, then 300 $500, 1000, and now it is a lot more.

Certain barriers: 20,000, 25,000, 250,000, 500,000, 700,000, 750,000, $800,000 and beyond.

And at this number continues to balloon, there will always be new goals and price targets, $1 million, $1.3 million, $5 million, $10 million, $100 million, 500 million etc.

Why do humans want more?

I think this is a good thing; the human desire for more is what has propelled us this far.

For example, the other day I just got Internet, give it fiber Internet connected to our house, and the guy who was installing it showed me… How micro thin the fiber optic cable was, but given this insanely tiny filament, to provide a download and upload speed of both about 1000 Mb a second. That is amazing.

Ways that this is useful to me: 

Currently, uploading videos and video files is painstakingly slow, and interrupts my workflow. Greater technology better technology will enable me to create quicker, more freely, less friction. 

Becoming a real man

Masculinity, virtue; what is it and what does it all mean?

Well the notion of virtue was initially about virtus, which just means man.  Let us also not forget that the notion of woman comes from the notion man.


My best thoughts come to me while walking?

Still… The more think about it, what is the greatest privilege of modern day living? Walking!

Another big intervention:

it is better to rent an extremely desirable area which allows for a magnificent 100% walking pedestrian lifestyle, which you could walk to all of your favorite coffee shops and public spaces, rather than own a very nice home, even in a moderately good location.

For example, all of this is currently written on my iPad Pro, M1 chip, voice dictation via the built-in Apple keyboard. And I love it! It allows for a new mode and channel of communication and thought expression that is not possible before. 


So in finance, the notion of being a bowl, bullish is the generalized idea that you are positive, optimistic, strong, thinking about upwards growth.

The opposite of a bull is a bear.

In finances, if you are bullish about something, you are optimistic about it, you see it growing.

If you are a bear, do you predict that something will fail, the prices will drop. As a consequence you might short as dog, which means that you make money when you see the company lose shareholder value.

Only be bullish?

There are 1 million different ways you can make money, but it seems that the safest and the best way is to be bullish not bearish. Why?

First, the danger of shortselling is that if the price goes the other way, you don’t just lose 100% of your money, you could lose 200% of your money. Which means if you make the wrong that, you go into massive debt.

Whereas with going long, or being bullish, if you’re prediction is wrong, at worst your money goes to zero, never negative.  


So perhaps in life, the goal is to become a bull, to become more bullish, the raging bull.

  1. Yoke, yoke walk?
  2. Atlas lift, atlas walk?

Just carry an immense amount of weight on your shoulders, on your traps, upper shoulders and your back and just walk?

Don’t think about it too much. 

To become mentally bullish, your body must also become bullish?

One of the most nonsensical things is this notion “mind over matter”; the idea that you could be a skinny fat loser, tied to a computer screen and be courageous, devoid of any physical strength?

To me, true courage and valor is rooted in the physical. For example, until you have successfully lifted up 1000 pounds on your shoulder, you don’t know nothing.

True courage is rooted in physical courage. This is why ultimately, humans will be most amazed by physical strength and might, height and muscles, and size… not money possessions cars etc. 

Also, even though powerlifting is not perfect, the general idea of “one rep max”– one repetition maximum is a good one.  

Even on the playground, kids… the most impressive thing for a kid is to be strong.


Better to be over warm than over cold?

 I have a theory: I wonder if a lot of modern day misery from people is the fact that they are simply too cold, literally and physiologically. For example, their homes. Too much time spent indoors, at the house or in the home, not enough time turning on the heater, in order to “save money”.

I think people make a foolish optimization and decision; in order to “save money”, they lack the critical insight that actually in fact… isn’t the point and purpose of money to improve our physiology health and well-being, not to save money for the sake of saving money? 

Money Mentalities?

OK this is a funny thing about money; a lot of people often criticize and critique Jewish people for their habits regarding money, even Galiani criticized and critiqued Jewish people, the people of Judea for being the most cruel money-lenders and usurers.

However, my personal thought and insight is that actually, the greater thing to consider is money culture.

For example, the only reason why I think Jewish people have built a culture around money, saving money, building capital etc. is because of the long history of oppression, everything taken from them etc.

For example, if you are a race of people who literally have nothing, you gotta do everything in your power to build a capital, and power. I think for Jewish people that meant becoming educated, becoming money conscious, etc.

In fact, I think the reason why people hate Jewish people so much, is actually in fact… Jewish people are very wise and sparing with their money. The superficial criticism of Jewish people is that they are so rich, and therefore I hate them. But don’t hate Jewish people because they don’t blow their money on stupid things like you do.

The refugee mindset and mentality with money?

Another thing; I find that Vietnamese people, especially Vietnamese refugee people are actually really good with money, whereas immigrant Korean people are really poor with money.

Another thing with Vietnamese people, when Vietnamese, Vietnamese people fled the communists, especially the Saigonese boat people, the logic was simple: 

We already have experienced having everything taken and stolen from us, therefore as a result, we will become exceedingly sparing with our money, because who knows… at any other given moment it could all be taken from us again.

Koreans on the other hand, we are very poor with money. Why? Ever since the bailout from the IMF international monetary fund to South Korea, essentially we could consider Korea as a neo colony of America. Just look at the facts; the American military intervention in South Korea, the border, protection against North Korea.

Therefore the interesting insight is that in terms of money culture, spending, the family structure etc.… Korea, South Koreans are becoming exceedingly like Americans. In fact the last time I went to Korea, the thought:

Koreans, South Koreans are just like Americans, except everyone speaks Korean.

In fact, did you know that Korea has Costco, a lot of Costco‘s!

One of my funniest modern day memories is driving to Daegu South Korea and having to park a car inside the insane parking structure in the Daegu South Korea Costco!

Humans are naturally bad with money and math?

Apparently there’s a pretty good book that came out recently, by the psychology of money. I read a little bit about it, but I found it a bit boring, I find my own personal insights to be more interesting.

Now that bitcoin is booming, and I’m stupid rich, funny enough my attitudes about money hasn’t changed much. Why or why not? I think our culture and attitude about money is deeply ingrained within ourselves from a young age. Therefore as a consequence, the thought:

Money, having money getting money doesn’t change us.

Then what changes? Only thing that changes is that the number that we frame and imprint in our minds, in terms of our net worth or the money value associated with us, keeps going up. This is a very good feeling, but… For the sake of what?

Ignore media

What messes us up? Media. TV, cinema films, it all gives us a distorted view of reality.

In fact, my proudest thing is that Seneca, ever since he was born has never been exposed to external media. No stupid YouTube, no Disney, no Disney+, no kid shows, etc. I found that actually even from an early age, strange morals, moralizing ethics comes from these kids shows, or they are just stupid distractions.

So with money, stuff like that… Even from a young age the reason why I hate YouTube, YouTube kids etc.… The really insidious thing is that lobby sneaky YouTube kid producers are just doing product placement for their mediocre toys in their videos. So the thought:

Ever since you were born, ever since you were a young child, you were already marketed to.

Even as a kid growing up in the 90s, growing up, born in 1988, the thing that I personally learned was thinking about how many dumb advertisements I saw on TV for all these stupid toys.

Advertising works

Advertising works, it works on nerds, it works on you.

Something that PETER THIEL said .,,, in his Zero to One book — he hit the bull’s-eye target exactly;

Advertising works.

The danger happens when we don’t think that it works on us, that somehow we are above it, we are lofty above it.

No. We are all influenced by marketing advertising etc. Advertising marketing and imagery works in sneaky ways. Without wanting to, we naturally get influenced by our environments, the sociology of the place we live in.

 of course if you live in a modern de Society, you cannot escape it. But there are certain things you could do:

Never consume any sort of media which is supported by advertising.

This is almost 100% of websites and blogs on the Internet which have advertisements, display ads, Google Adsense. Practically 100% of podcast, radio TV shows, essentially anything that you don’t have to pay money for.

Also magazines, a lot of books, newspapers etc.

Even now, a lot of these streaming services, like Netflix etc.… I think the new strategy isn’t to create insanely great media, but instead to create these addictive shows, which have you continue to invoke your own curiosity, to keep having you watch it and subscribe for the rest of your life. The curiosity gap here is strong.

Stick to the Classics

Trying to do some mental math inside my mind today, in terms of my crypto and bitcoin gains, I realize that I am very bad at math, very poor at mental math, very poor at analyzing and thinking it all myself.

One suggestion that I got from NASSIM TALEB, in regards to studies — is trying to think about the majors or the disciplines or the things to study which do the least amount of harm to us. It seems that he suggests studying classics, the classics, and math. Being really good at math, certainly doesn’t hurt. And also the classics are great because our modern day society is so different in terms of thinking and deseridatum (things to be desired), compared to modern day times. Also, I find a certain precision in Latin and ancient Greek, even studying Proto Info European which escapes modern day English and modern day thinking. 


Another funny trend I see in modern day society, everyone is trying to purchase cars that make them look like an armored vehicle, maybe it might be more effective to just transform your own body into a tank, an armored vehicle instead?

 For example, these stupid Range Rover cars, Range Rover defenders, SUVs etc.; everyone wants to feel like their king of the hill, or king of the roads.

For example look at these lifted cars trucks, etc.

Am I the only person that I know who is proud to drive a Prius?

where to find or seek innovation?

This is my current preoccupation. I think the innovation lies somewhere in walking, being off the grid, weightlifting, etc. 

Everyone’s the same?

 Another funny bias in society is that we are all trying so hard to differentiate ourselves from one other, but in fact, we are far more similar than dissimilar.

What is the true differentiating factor? Not our things are possessions or bank account, but instead, our courage and valor.

I was reading the sayings of this Partins from Plutarch, and one of the interesting thoughts was an ancient Sparta, they did not allow the boys to have wrestling trainers, so that wrestling, was more about courage and valor not skill.


It is only ever my ambition to help empower motivate and uplift others.

Trying to change the world is a complicated task, but changing yourself seems more interesting.


The bone I have to pick with modern day Society, is that the ideology is so loser oriented. What that means is that I think humans don’t believe in their own self agency as much, we seem to not think that we have that much control over our destiny our bodies our souls etc.

The will to ERIC?

Ever since I was a kid, ever since I was a fat 1112-year-old kid in New York, my mom was working two full-time jobs, my dad was a deadbeat, just watching TV and movies at home all day, and I was a fat kid. I remember having a triple chin in the humid York summers, not being able to fall asleep because all the chins stacked on top of each other, and I couldn’t fall asleep until I rub some Vaseline under my chins. I think I even recall weighing myself as a kid, maybe at around 11 years old, I think I was 120 pounds, and pretty short? This was before puberty.

I think the issue was way too much orange juice, hot pockets, sugary stuff, without knowing it. Also lots of barbecue sauce, ketchup etc.

Anyways, at the age of 11, I made a vow to change things. Our friend Spencer laughs in warm recollection of how I started putting rocks in my backpack, running around Bayside queens, trying to get fit. I asked my mom to buy me some weights, some dumbbells, and I still recall, her purchasing me 15 pound dumbbells, and eventually I got strong enough that I could stack 215 pound dumbbells on top of each other, and lift them as 30 pounds. Then later, Getting 50 pound dumbbells etc.

So one thing that a lot of people don’t know about me, which even predates Tarpy, is my passion for a diet health fitness working out muscles etc. I’ve literally tried everything. High fat low-fat, high carb low-carb, intermittent fasting, 7 to 8 small meals a day, bodybuilding etc.  More recently powerlifting, now it is tending more towards strongman style. 

“Realistic” vs “unrealistic” body goals?

So this is a big differentiation between men and women; men want to get super jacked like the terminator, and look like the Incredible Hulk or orc, which is typically done by doing steroids, artificial testosterone injections and consumptions, etc. Women on the other hand seem to want to look slim, Have a big butt, big breast etc.; and a certain facial structure which is predicated on make up, plastic surgery and Botox, breast and butt augmentation.

So this is the difference:

  1. For women, the ideal body look and facial look is achieved through plastic surgery
  2. For men, the ideal body look physique and composition is achieved through steroids


OK I have a super simple suggestion for both men and women;

1. First, 100% carnivore diet both for men and women. Plants are for cows.

 a diet which is predominantly organ meat, grass fed meat, bone marrow etc. If you live in LA, just go to Gelson’s and ask them to cut you some bone marrow in the back. Or if you just go to the local markets or organic markets, the often have frozen beef liver in the fridge or whatever.

For men and women, liver might be one of the most nutritious food items on the planet.

Therefore, if you’re just out and about with your kid and you see some organ meets at Whole Foods or wherever, just buy it and deal with it later.

2. Being outside and physical fitness

So there are a lot of people who have therapist and mental things they want to deal with etc.; I was asking my friend Jeffrey about this, who is now a young therapist, studying to be a psychiatrist, and I asked him:

as a therapist, are you allowed to prescribe exercise or physical activity for your patients?

 he said no. Because in America, we have a strange relationship with our bodies. On one hand, I think a lot of people desire to just become like a vessel, a brain in fishbowl. People are fools; they don’t seem to understand that the truth is I wonder if 99% of our “mental illnesses”, or actually physical in origin. 

For example, being outside, direct access to the direct sun and UV radiation, I would rather get skin cancer than be miserable and be inside all day.

Second, some sort of physical activity or exercise. This is both critical foreman and women. In ancient Sparta, I believe the girls trained as hard as the boys.

Also in ancient Sparta, they predicted correctly that one women were physically fit, they would get stronger children. 

“Do you do CrossFit?”

One of the best low-key compliments that I’ve been getting from people is this:

“Do you do CrossFit?”

It seems that this compliment is mostly from women — which is a low-key way of saying “I think you look good and sexy”.

In fact, my personal pro tip is all of your clothes should be sleeveless. Just wear a tank top, and a sleeveless down vest on top, always show off your shoulders you’re trapped in your bare arms; let everybody know how jacked you are. 

Make yourself the object of fascination 

So this is another weird bias; it seems that modern-day society, we are not allowed or permitted to be into ourselves. There is this weird duty to become like somebody else?

For example, typically the choir says “You must be like Jesus”. But, we forget that Jesus was not a pushover. He went to the temple, the Jewish temple, saw all of the money changers inside the temple, and cattle, brought out a whip and whipped them all out and said “how dare you do commerce inside my father‘s house!” Let us also not forget that Jesus was Jewish. 

Also, being here in Culver City, which is essentially the new Hollywood, you see a lot of people personalities and individuals who look like they’re in media. Attractive interesting looking people. But funny thing is that a lot of them are actually very short in real life. Even a lot of these rappers, Kanye West I think is only 5 foot seven, even Jeff Bezos is only 5 foot seven! also people don’t know that Kim Kardashian is short; she might only be 5 feet tall?

What is the will to power? 

For myself, I have always believed that “If you really want it, and you set your mind to it, you can get it.”

For example body goals. It is very very very very easy for all human beings to become more beautiful, by lowering your body fat percentage, even without exercise. The simple thing is this:

  1. Quit all sugars starches dairy cheese lactose, nuts, legumes, pasta rice etc. even the “good ones“.
  2. Quit all bread, fiber, etc.
  3. Quit alcohol all of it, even red wine; new studies are showing that even two alcoholic beverages a week, even red wine can actually increase your chance of getting cancer 
  4. Quit smoking marijuana or taking CBD stuff
  5. Quit fruit, vegetables etc. 

So what do we eat instead?

  1. Organ meats: beef hard, beef liver, beef kidney, also bone marrow. A super simple thing to do is when you have a bunch of bones, beef bones etc., just toss it into a pot or instant pot, add some water, boil it, and you could drink the broth!
  2. Eat lamb, beef, beef neck bone, red meat. The redder the better. Don’t eat pork because pork is white meat, don’t eat chicken or turkey and certainly no breast.
  3. Eat 100% grass fed beef, short ribs, ribs, beef neck bone, etc.
  4. four “vegetables“, don’t eat vegetables… Only dark leafy greens. This is colored greens, kale, anything bitter. Bitter is better. 


Beverages are simple: just drink water, tapwater, filtered water whatever, and black coffee, nothing added to it.

Don’t drink milk, real or fake, it is all just sugar in disguise with a good conscience.


The thing with exercise that it should not be some sort of weird moralistic duty. Rather, we should think of it like play, pure joy. Autotelic exercise means the exercise and you do stuff and you move around and lift weights for fun! 

For example, a very interesting thing that I’ve observed about Seneca is that he never stands still; he is always moving around! He stands, he sits, he crawls around on his knees, he squats. Also a very interesting thing:

Whenever Seneca wants to pick something up, he always squats all the way down, full sumo style squat, ass to grass, every single time.  

And now that I think about it, because he’s playing with toys all day, he might do this, what– a 1000 times a day? 

Same thing goes with him picking up rocks and throwing around rocks! He’s not rewarded for throwing rocks nor does he do it for “exercise“, in order to “build muscle“, or “get fit”. Seneca throws rocks because it is fun, funny, and interesting to him! I wonder if it all is just like a physics experiment for him.

I think this is also my passion for weightlifting, one rep max lifting, always increasing your personal records. To me it is just a physics exercise and experiment;

How far can we push the human body, how strong can we become, without the use of steroids?

400 pound sandbags, and 2000 pound lifts 

I was randomly on Google and YouTube, and I saw this thing like  on the history channel, history of the worlds strongest man something like that, and it was centered around the idea of seeing whether the strong men could lift 2000 pounds.

Essentially Brian Shaw, the strongest of them all, also it seems that he is the best of taking steroids, was the winner. Apparently the other guy who attempted the same, an older guy with knee reps, was he able to do it, but tweaked something in his upper shoulders? 

I think one of the protest moments of my life was when I was able to successfully lift 1000 pounds, which I coined the “Atlas lift“. And now that I think about it, seeing those other guys do it, I’m sure if I kept my training up, I could eventually get to 1100 pounds, 1200 pounds, 1300 pounds, 1400 pounds, 1500 pounds and beyond. Maybe I cannot do 2000 pounds, because I don’t take steroids, but still… It is all achievable without steroids. Also I do it all while fasting. 

Anything and everything is possible

Another thing that I’ve been doing quite religiously the last seven years or so is intermittent fasting, no breakfast no lunch, only one insanely big dinner a day. I aim for at least 4 to 6 pounds of meat for dinner every sitting. During the day, I just drink water and black coffee, and I’ll wait until dinner time.

To a lot of people that seems impossible, but obviously it is not. In the beginning obviously you get some hunger pangs, but, my solution is simple: 

If you want to start intermittent fasting, the night before, eat 5 pounds of beef short rib, bone marrow, beef liver; the trifecta. I can guarantee you won’t be hungry until dinner time the next day. 

In fact, almost want to become like a food diet fitness exercise advisor to some of my favorite heroes, Elon Musk, Kanye West.

Elon musk looks terrible. I think he should start doing some sort of hot sauna, spend more time doing meetings outside in the sun, get into weightlifting, eating more organ meats, bone marrow etc. I’m still convinced; bone marrow, which Achilles was raised on, is the most superior and supreme steroid of all time. 

Just do some research with Google and ChatGPT; the majority of the diet of Achilles as a young child was bone marrow, and organ meat; heart, bone marrow, etc.


Do not trust any food diet health science from any of these skinny fat loser academic scientist types. First of all just look at them; they are all pale and sickly, no muscle mass whatever. They might be into running or at worst — rock climbing– which is bad because it is all indoors typically.

This insidious idea that “a calorie is a calorie”, and the notion” calories in, calories out.”

Let us do a thought experiment. Let us say that you lift weights every single day, and you had two options:

Consume 2000 cal of Twinkies versus 2000 cal of bone marrow and beef heart.

Let us just think; at the end of it, who is going to look better? Who’s going to get fat? Certainly the person eating Twinkies. 

Also, another thought experiment; this one is in regards to “protein”, which I think is also a bit of a scam. If you’re a bodybuilder weightlifter or whatever, and every day you eat 500 grams of protein via  P protein powder versus beef liver, who is going to get more jacked, whose testosterone is going to be higher? Of course the guy eating beef liver.

Increasing your testosterone

Very very simple guys; and also women, the goal is to get your testosterone up. And the best food items to get your testosterone up is beef hard, beef liver, beef kidneys, bone marrow etc. The more cholesterol the food has, the better.

Experiment more with your diet, less with your technology?

OK now the new high watermark at least for mainstream devices is the Apple Vision Pro, $3499. Just think to yourself:

How many packets of bone marrow, beef liver, beef hard, beef kidney etc. can this buy me? 

Read ancient

The only thing I trust is ancient literature on things food health diet etc.

For example, the Iliad, the odyssey, etc. Why? This is before they had all of this nonsensical “woke“ or “politically correct” BS. The Greeks the ancient Greeks, were the highest men and humans of all time; no weak feelings, they delighted in cruelty and joy in humans, the human body. 

Make the body sexy and beautiful again

The biggest complaint or the biggest rebuttal against eating meat, being a carnivore etc. is that “it is bad for the planet“. This is a bunch of BS. What else is bad for the planet? Your Tesla, your Prius, your iPhone, your iPhone Pro, your AirPods, Amazon prime, through Netflix, etc. And also your dog.

Therefore, put zero trust or turn a deaf ear to anybody who invokes all this nonsensical thoughts on environmentalism; they are all fake.

Why do people buy Teslas? Not because they are “good for the environment“, but because they are sexy!

Now what?

  1. So speculate yourself via your diet, what you eat and what you don’t eat, as well as weightlifting equipment. Go to Titan.fitness, and allow yourself to buy a bunch of weightlifting equipment and toys. Some things I recently ordered and got the mail, insanely fast, I think it literally came within a day or two, was the “loadable farmer carry hack bar, farmer’s carry walk bar”, easy loadable farmers carry handles, attachments for my T3 independent squat rack for dips and chin-ups, and also something I’m very excited for; a 60 pound weight vest, which I might just take with me on my daily walks, or even hiking, or when I’m hanging out with Seneca.
  2. Give yourself a $1000 food speculation fund: load it up with bone marrow, organ meats, grass fed beef etc. 
  3. Quit media: quit your Netflix, cancel it all. No Hulu, Apple TV, Apple TV+, Disney, Disney+, HBO, HBO Max etc. If you want to watch something, just buy it on the Apple store, Apple TV store, and just watch it.

other things

Other things and suggestions include spending more time being a nature! I think for anybody who is in a poor mood, assuming that the sun is out, go to the beach, go on a hike! Find some easy nature hike trails close to your place, you don’t need to drive more than 20 or 30 minutes.

And also suggestion: turn off your phone, all the way off, and just keep it locked inside your glove compartment. Or if you take your phone with you, turn it off 100%.

What else?

My secret to happiness is simple; 30,000 steps a day, and spend at least eight hours a day outside!



Also Seneca — the happiest kid of all time?

The happiest kid of all time?

Anti Loser Thinking

The bone I have to pick with modern-day society is that the ideology is so loser-oriented. What that means is that I think humans don’t believe in their own self-agency as much; we seem to not think that we have that much control over our destiny, our bodies, our souls, etc.

The Will to Succeed?

Ever since I was a kid, ever since I was a fat 11-12-year-old kid in New York, my mom was working two full-time jobs, my dad was a deadbeat, just watching TV and movies at home all day, and I was a fat kid. I remember having a triple chin in the humid New York summers, not being able to fall asleep because all the chins stacked on top of each other, and I couldn’t fall asleep until I rubbed some Vaseline under my chins. I think I even recall weighing myself as a kid, maybe at around 11 years old, I think I was 120 pounds, and pretty short? This was before puberty.

I think the issue was way too much orange juice, hot pockets, sugary stuff, without knowing it. Also lots of barbecue sauce, ketchup, etc.

Anyways, at the age of 11, I made a vow to change things. Our friend Spencer laughs in warm recollection of how I started putting rocks in my backpack, running around Bayside Queens, trying to get fit. I asked my mom to buy me some weights, some dumbbells, and I still recall, her purchasing me 15-pound dumbbells, and eventually, I got strong enough that I could stack two 15-pound dumbbells on top of each other, and lift them as 30 pounds. Then later, getting 50-pound dumbbells, etc.

So one thing that a lot of people don’t know about me, which even predates Tarpy, is my passion for diet, health, fitness, working out, muscles, etc. I’ve literally tried everything. High fat, low-fat, high carb, low-carb, intermittent fasting, 7 to 8 small meals a day, bodybuilding, etc. More recently, powerlifting, now it is tending more towards strongman style.

“Realistic” vs “Unrealistic” Body Goals?

So this is a big differentiation between men and women; men want to get super jacked like the Terminator, and look like the Incredible Hulk or orc, which is typically done by doing steroids, artificial testosterone injections, and consumptions, etc. Women, on the other hand, seem to want to look slim, have a big butt, big breasts, etc.; and a certain facial structure which is predicated on makeup, plastic surgery, and Botox, breast and butt augmentation.

So this is the difference:

  1. For women, the ideal body look and facial look is achieved through plastic surgery.
  2. For men, the ideal body look, physique, and composition is achieved through steroids.


OK, I have a super simple suggestion for both men and women:

1. First, 100% Carnivore Diet for Both Men and Women. Plants Are for Cows.

A diet which is predominantly organ meat, grass-fed meat, bone marrow, etc. If you live in LA, just go to Gelson’s and ask them to cut you some bone marrow in the back. Or if you go to the local markets or organic markets, they often have frozen beef liver in the fridge or whatever.

For men and women, liver might be one of the most nutritious food items on the planet.

Therefore, if you’re just out and about with your kid and you see some organ meats at Whole Foods or wherever, just buy it and deal with it later.

2. Being Outside and Physical Fitness

So there are a lot of people who have therapists and mental things they want to deal with, etc.; I was asking my friend Jeffrey about this, who is now a young therapist, studying to be a psychiatrist, and I asked him:

as a therapist, are you allowed to prescribe exercise or physical activity for your patients?

He said no. Because in America, we have a strange relationship with our bodies. On one hand, I think a lot of people desire to just become like a vessel, a brain in a fishbowl. People are fools; they don’t seem to understand that the truth is I wonder if 99% of our “mental illnesses”, are actually physical in origin.

For example, being outside, direct access to the direct sun and UV radiation, I would rather get skin cancer than be miserable and be inside all day.

Second, some sort of physical activity or exercise. This is both critical for men and women. In ancient Sparta, I believe the girls trained as hard as the boys.

Also in ancient Sparta, they predicted correctly that once women were physically fit, they would get stronger children.

“Do You Do CrossFit?”

One of the best low-key compliments that I’ve been getting from people is this:

“Do you do CrossFit?”

It seems that this compliment is mostly from women — which is a low-key way of saying “I think you look good and sexy”.

In fact, my personal pro tip is all of your clothes should be sleeveless. Just wear a tank top, and a sleeveless down vest on top, always show off your shoulders, your traps, and your bare arms; let everybody know how jacked you are.

Make Yourself the Object of Fascination

So, this is another weird bias; it seems that in modern-day society, we are not allowed or permitted to be into ourselves. There is this weird duty to become like somebody else?

For example, typically the choir says “You must be like Jesus”. But, we forget that Jesus was not a pushover. He went to the temple, the Jewish temple, saw all of the money changers inside the temple, and cattle, brought out a whip and whipped them all out and said “how dare you do commerce inside my father‘s house!” Let us also not forget that Jesus was Jewish.

Also, being here in Culver City, which is essentially the new Hollywood, you see a lot of people, personalities, and individuals who look like they’re in media. Attractive interesting-looking people. But funny thing is that a lot of them are actually very short in real life. Even a lot of these rappers, Kanye West I think is only 5 foot seven, even Jeff Bezos is only 5 foot seven! Also, people don’t know that Kim Kardashian is short; she might only be 5 feet tall?

What Is the Will to Power?

For myself, I have always believed that “If you really want it, and you set your mind to it, you can get it.”

For example, body goals. It is very very very very easy for all human beings to become more beautiful, by lowering your body fat percentage, even without exercise. The simple thing is this:

  1. Quit all sugars, starches, dairy, cheese, lactose, nuts, legumes, pasta, rice, etc., even the “good ones“.
  2. Quit all bread, fiber, etc.
  3. Quit alcohol all of it, even red wine; new studies are showing that even two alcoholic beverages a week, even red wine can actually increase your chance of getting cancer.
  4. Quit smoking marijuana or taking CBD stuff.
  5. Quit fruit, vegetables, etc.

So, what do we eat instead?

  1. Organ meats: beef heart, beef liver, beef kidney, also bone marrow. A super simple thing to do is when you have a bunch of bones, beef bones, etc., just toss it into a pot or instant pot, add some water, boil it, and you could drink the broth!
  2. Eat lamb, beef, beef neck bone, red meat. The redder the better. Don’t eat pork because pork is white meat, don’t eat chicken or turkey and certainly no breast.
  3. Eat 100% grass-fed beef, short ribs, ribs, beef neck bone, etc.
  4. For “vegetables“, don’t eat vegetables… Only dark leafy greens. This is collard greens, kale, anything bitter. Bitter is better.


Beverages are simple: just drink water, tap water, filtered water whatever, and black coffee, nothing added to it.

Don’t drink milk, real or fake, it is all just sugar in disguise with a good conscience.


The thing with exercise is that it should not be some sort of weird moralistic duty. Rather, we should think of it like play, pure joy. Autotelic exercise means the exercise you do, stuff you move around and lift weights for fun!

For example, a very interesting thing that I’ve observed about Seneca is that he never stands still; he is always moving around! He stands, he sits, he crawls around on his knees, he squats. Also a very interesting thing:

Whenever Seneca wants to pick something up, he always squats all the way down, full sumo style squat, ass to grass, every single time.

And now that I think about it, because he’s playing with toys all day, he might do this, what– a 1000 times a day?

Same thing goes with him picking up rocks and throwing around rocks! He’s not rewarded for throwing rocks nor does he do it for “exercise“, in order to “build muscle“, or “get fit”. Seneca throws rocks because it is fun, funny, and interesting to him! I wonder if it all is just like a physics experiment for him.

I think this is also my passion for weightlifting, one rep max lifting, always increasing your personal records. To me, it is just a physics exercise

and experiment;

How far can we push the human body, how strong can we become, without the use of steroids?

400 Pound Sandbags, and 2000 Pound Lifts

I was randomly on Google and YouTube, and I saw this thing on the History Channel, history of the world’s strongest man something like that, and it was centered around the idea of seeing whether the strong men could lift 2000 pounds.

Essentially Brian Shaw, the strongest of them all, also it seems that he is the best at taking steroids, was the winner. Apparently the other guy who attempted the same, an older guy with knee wraps, was able to do it, but tweaked something in his upper shoulders.

I think one of the proudest moments of my life was when I was able to successfully lift 1000 pounds, which I coined the “Atlas lift“. And now that I think about it, seeing those other guys do it, I’m sure if I kept my training up, I could eventually get to 1100 pounds, 1200 pounds, 1300 pounds, 1400 pounds, 1500 pounds, and beyond. Maybe I cannot do 2000 pounds, because I don’t take steroids, but still… It is all achievable without steroids. Also, I do it all while fasting.

Anything and Everything Is Possible

Another thing that I’ve been doing quite religiously the last seven years or so is intermittent fasting, no breakfast, no lunch, only one insanely big dinner a day. I aim for at least 4 to 6 pounds of meat for dinner every sitting. During the day, I just drink water and black coffee, and I’ll wait until dinner time.

To a lot of people, that seems impossible, but obviously it is not. In the beginning, obviously, you get some hunger pangs, but, my solution is simple:

If you want to start intermittent fasting, the night before, eat 5 pounds of beef short rib, bone marrow, beef liver; the trifecta. I can guarantee you won’t be hungry until dinner time the next day.

In fact, I almost want to become like a food diet fitness exercise advisor to some of my favorite heroes, Elon Musk, Kanye West.

Elon Musk looks terrible. I think he should start doing some sort of hot sauna, spend more time doing meetings outside in the sun, get into weightlifting, eating more organ meats, bone marrow, etc. I’m still convinced; bone marrow, which Achilles was raised on, is the most superior and supreme steroid of all time.

Just do some research with Google and ChatGPT; the majority of the diet of Achilles as a young child was bone marrow, and organ meat; heart, bone marrow, etc.


Do not trust any food diet health science from any of these skinny fat loser academic scientist types. First of all, just look at them; they are all pale and sickly, no muscle mass whatsoever. They might be into running or at worst — rock climbing– which is bad because it is all indoors typically.

This insidious idea that “a calorie is a calorie”, and the notion “calories in, calories out.”

Let us do a thought experiment. Let us say that you lift weights every single day, and you had two options:

Consume 2000 cal of Twinkies versus 2000 cal of bone marrow and beef heart.

Let us just think; at the end of it, who is going to look better? Who’s going to get fat? Certainly, the person eating Twinkies.

Also, another thought experiment; this one is in regards to “protein”, which I think is also a bit of a scam. If you’re a bodybuilder, weightlifter, or whatever, and every day you eat 500 grams of protein via protein powder versus beef liver, who is going to get more jacked, whose testosterone is going to be higher? Of course, the guy eating beef liver.

Increasing Your Testosterone

Very very simple guys; and also women, the goal is to get your testosterone up. And the best food items to get your testosterone up are beef heart, beef liver, beef kidneys, bone marrow, etc. The more cholesterol the food has, the better.

Experiment More With Your Diet, Less With Your Technology?

OK, now the new high watermark at least for mainstream devices is the Apple Vision Pro, $3499. Just think to yourself:

How many packets of bone marrow, beef liver, beef heart, beef kidney, etc., can this buy me?

Read Ancient

The only thing I trust is ancient literature on things food health diet, etc.

For example, the Iliad, the Odyssey, etc. Why? This is before they had all of this nonsensical “woke“ or “politically correct” BS. The Greeks, the ancient Greeks, were the highest men and humans of all time; no weak feelings, they delighted

in cruelty and joy in humans, the human body.

Make the Body Sexy and Beautiful Again

The biggest complaint or the biggest rebuttal against eating meat, being a carnivore, etc., is that “it is bad for the planet“. This is a bunch of BS. What else is bad for the planet? Your Tesla, your Prius, your iPhone, your iPhone Pro, your AirPods, Amazon Prime, through Netflix, etc. And also your dog.

Therefore, put zero trust or turn a deaf ear to anybody who invokes all this nonsensical thoughts on environmentalism; they are all fake.

Why do people buy Teslas? Not because they are “good for the environment“, but because they are sexy!

Now What?

  1. So speculate yourself via your diet, what you eat and what you don’t eat, as well as weightlifting equipment. Go to Titan.fitness, and allow yourself to buy a bunch of weightlifting equipment and toys. Some things I recently ordered and got in the mail, insanely fast, I think it literally came within a day or two, were the “loadable farmer carry hack bar, farmer’s carry walk bar”, easy loadable farmers carry handles, attachments for my T3 independent squat rack for dips and chin-ups, and also something I’m very excited for; a 60-pound weight vest, which I might just take with me on my daily walks, or even hiking, or when I’m hanging out with Seneca.
  2. Give yourself a $1000 food speculation fund: load it up with bone marrow, organ meats, grass-fed beef, etc.
  3. Quit media: quit your Netflix, cancel it all. No Hulu, Apple TV, Apple TV+, Disney, Disney+, HBO, HBO Max, etc. If you want to watch something, just buy it on the Apple store, Apple TV store, and just watch it.

Other Things

Other things and suggestions include spending more time being in nature! I think for anybody who is in a poor mood, assuming that the sun is out, go to the beach, go on a hike! Find some easy nature hike trails close to your place, you don’t need to drive more than 20 or 30 minutes.

And also suggestion: turn off your phone, all the way off, and just keep it locked inside your glove compartment. Or if you take your phone with you, turn it off 100%.

What Else?

My secret to happiness is simple; 30,000 steps a day, and spend at least eight hours a day outside!


The War on Testosterone


Some thoughts:

Menstrual cycle or no menstrual cycle? 

OK this is some super facts:

If your wife, your girlfriend, your partner etc. has a menstrual cycle, certainly you should treat her differently than if the other person did not.

We meant do not have menstrual cycles. Therefore, we should keep ourselves to a different standard than others, vice versa. 

Why do we deny our hormones?

Testosterone vs estrogen; these hormones are critical. If a man did not have testosterone we cannot produce semen or sperm which is potent and could be life and give birth to new generations of children.

Second, if a woman did not have estrogen, ovaries, menstrual cycles, etc.… we cannot beget children. 

The war on children?

I was at the park the other day, and I asked another mom a funny question; “In modern-day society, who do we care for more… children or dogs?” She laughed, joked and said frankly; “Of course dogs! As much as I hate it.”

Also another super annoying thing that I experienced about a year ago when at the Oakland international airport; there was a stupid dog bathroom, but no family bathroom for kids?

Another really annoying thing:

I was out with Seneca, the cutest kid of all time, and there was a stupid dog next to us, and suddenly everyone was fighting over the dog, talking about the dog and complementing the dog, while ignoring Seneca?

You are not allowed to say “I hate dogs“? 

A weird thing in modern day Society; modern day society has become extremely tolerant of dogs, but not children?

It seems in modern day society you are no longer permitted to say “I hate dogs”– but you can say “I hate kids”?


Individualism taken to an extreme? 

Some strange layers I see here: 

  1. First, it looks like this extremely strange transgender, transsexual, trend has to deal with the fact that people no longer care about children or kids. Let us consider if you’re a man and you want to do a sex change to become a woman, or vice versa etc.; typically, there is this trend that people who decide to do this don’t want to have kids. No this is not always true because you can have a man man, woman man, transgender, transgender, trans man, trans woman, any sort of combination, single parent etc. who could have kids… If they are adopted? But still… Early enough in the chain line and the chain-link you need a man and a woman to get a child.

Why do we deny hormones?

Also, it seems the trend is for some reason, we want to deny hormones. We want to all pretend like testosterone doesn’t exist, estrogen doesn’t exist, and that for some weird reason, our personal individuality matters more?

we are anti-steroids… But for some reason we support sexual changes via hormone therapy?

Once again modern day society is very weird and strange; we are not consistent. 

For example, there is a general consensus in America and beyond that hormones, steroids are bad. Everybody knows this. And I think it is a good thing;

Steroids shrinker balls in your testes, and it might cause irreplaceable harm where you cannot have children in the future.

Or even funnier yet;

if you are a bodybuilder hopped up on steroids, you could have the most impressive muscles in the physique, but the second you bed a beautiful woman, you can’t even get it up!

Kind of an unrelated note; apparently this is where cocaine is really bad; if you take cocaine, a man gets impotence and can’t get it up unless he takes Viagra instead?

These degenerates!

Why this matters 

So it looks like this weird hijacking of society has to deal with feminism, a little bit of masculinity, etc.

First, I looked at modern-day man and woman, and it is becoming very strange;

First, all of these men are all of them are these short, loser, skinny, kind of fit, and or skinny fat guys, who want to get all these beautiful women, and the women tend to be much more impressive; much more fit healthier, stronger and more muscular.

I have always been a feminist

“I’m a feminist,,, I love women!” – haha, joke to my friend Stephanie as an undergraduate at UCLA, age 20, junior year studying sociology, — sociology of the family class (essentially a woman’s study course)

Being raised to more or less a single mother, I think I have always been a feminist and cared for women. Even my younger sister who is two years younger than you, I have always treated her like a tomboy. From an early age I encouraged her to lift weights, do whatever she wanted, to defy typical gender norms.

Similarly speaking, if I was born a girl or a woman, certainly I wouldn’t want anybody to tell me what I could do or what I could not do based on my gender or sex or whatever.

But, there is this very very strange and bizarre trend in which a man is no longer allowed to be a man?

This is the problem:

A man and a woman, both have different hormones… and everyone uses themselves as their own reference point.

Therefore as a consequence, both sexes become confused about the other. 

For example, the typical commentary from men is that we often complain that women are not rational, too emotional, etc. The misguided thought is “why can’t they think like us or be like us?” But is this something we really desire?

Conversely, women don’t like men the way they are; women wants man to become more feminine; to be more compassionate, understanding, open minded etc.

Even Friedrich Nietzsche once said that Christianity was essentially a feminine religion, or a religion for women,,, whereas at least he praised Mohammadism (Islam)– the prophet Mohamed for being a male, masculine religion.


Why does this bother me?

Some issues at hand:

First, I feel like there is becoming this weird double standard. For example, as a man, I am given weird looks sideways plant is for walking around with my shirt off, or wearing short shorts, or essentially wearing a speedo in public. But the same time, it is 100% OK for women to walk around in Pants, biking shorts, have yoga shorts or whatever which essentially shows off all of their feminine parts?

The nuance is women are not permitted to show their nipples or their breasts in public. I think in America or California at least; it is illegal for a woman to walk around without a shirt on. But certain ways that I have seen women side skirt this  is by wearing a loose fitting white cotton ribbed tank top without a bra on, in which you could essentially see their breasts and their nipples underneath.

And trippy told, I think America’s weird; in a lot of indigenous cultures, Africa etc., it is totally normal for women to walk around bare chested. I think in America we have this weird sexual perversion with women, in which there is the strange dichotomy:

on one hand, we follow these quaker protestant ethics that a woman should be prim and proper, cover-up and be lady like, but in secret, men, I think at least 99.9% of men watch porn, either daily, every other day, certainly at least once a week, once a month, once a year?

I have never met another man who doesn’t watch porn

I quit watching porn around 2017, not because it was more realistically bad, I think I was just too busy. I was too busy in my thoughts, studying philosophy etc., I wonder if 99% of men simply watch porn because they are bored. Porn is just entertainment for men.

Also, what do people do in public versus private?

Zoom mishaps

Do you remember in the early days of Covid in which everyone switch to zoom? There was this very funny story about an older Caucasian male professor, I think he was teaching the history of East Asia or something, and he was doing a screen share, opened up a Google Chrome tab, And he was trying to access the website like “sacred histories of east Asia” or something,,, and it automatically auto filled to “sexyAsiancollegegirls.com”– haha! Yeah I’m pretty sure he lost his job quickly after that.

The hard and the tricky thing is that at least with men, it is impossible to know who they really are, what they really think what their behaviors truly are, unless you know what they do in private. It is impossible to know.

“What do you think of Maria Ozawa”?

Another funny meme; just ask another guy, if they know who Maria Ozawa is. If this guy is Caucasian, Asian, Asian American etc.… Essentially Maria Ozawa was a famous Japanese adult video star, originally born in Canada, half Canadian Caucasian half Japanese I believe; very popular.

I wouldn’t trust any man who preaches women’s rights or whatever, who secretly watches porn in private.

Does Mark Zuckerberg watch porn?


Does Elon Musk watch porn? Certainly yes. He jokes about all the time, “Google doesn’t care about what porn you watch”.

Also, does Jeff Bezos watch porn? Probably. Just watch the video interview with him recently with Lex Fridman– he is so insanely jacked, look at the vein popping out of his bicep! He is 59 years old, and it looks like he has high testosterone. The problem with a man in his position is that he is not allowed to just pick up any random woman, because he is such a high profile figure. also just read the medium article post exposé in which he on his own dirty emails and correspondence with that one TV female personality, it looks like he is a sleuth.

Apple Vision Pro?

Not to digress too much; but a funny thought; what percentage of guys who bought the Apple Vision Pro is curious or and or has used it to watch a virtual reality, 3D porn? 

What changes when you have a kid

I have a young boy, Seneca is currently three years old. Being around adults, and being a man and the father figure, certain things which I actually am uncomfortable with:

  1. Cursing: it just seems improper. Being with him around me all the time, he is finally getting to that point in which she is mimicking me, mimicking my speech patterns, and rehashing what I say. As a consequence, I realize that I have to be very careful about my tongue, And rewrite the way I just generally really talk.  Typically we have a front stage self in a backstage self; I want both to be consistent. Or another words, I never want to do or write or say anything in private, that I am not comfortable having Seneca read or no, same thing with Cindy.

The brain is plastic

Also another big thing that people don’t really talk about, is how plastic the brain is. Essentially what that means is the reason why we should never use Instagram, YouTube, or allow our children to use it is that it reprograms your plastic brain in strange ways.

“What’s an Instagram?”

The other day we were in West LA, and Cindy did this “solid core“ Pilates style workout,  and on the wall was this poster of all of the 12 or so instructors, their personal biographies etc. and at the bottom, there was this column in which they could share their Instagram handle. I was curious; was there anyone there who didn’t have an Instagram or shared? No. Everyone did.

Even though in LA, whenever I meet random strangers, the first question they always ask me is what my Instagram is at the end? I told them I don’t have one, and I just give them my phone number and first and last name instead.

Who will the future belong to?

I’m actually kind of excited; once all of the baby boomers, Gen X, Jen why etc. couples without children, who just own dogs, no children… Once they all die off, who will be the next emperors of the planet? Our kids!

America is in for a big problem

in the Jeff Bezos interview with Lex Fridman, they briefly discuss the notion of the 10,000 year clock, in which they created a mechanical clock nested somewhere in a desert cave which is purely mechanical, and will last for the next 10,000 years, as a consequence, the general metaphor is for us to think more long-term. For us to think more long-term; Jeff Bezos correctly predicts that 10,000 years from now, America won’t be around anymore. He is probably right. These are the big problems:

First, all of these really really rich and successful people, people on top of these big tag companies, it seems that they don’t really have any kids; maybe one kid, maybe zero kids, maybe a dog. Who is having children in America? Suburban families in Irvine, and poor Mexican people and immigrant families.

Thinking about the next generation

Something that Americans are really poor about; thinking about the next generation, the next generation of wealth etc.

We give all this lip service about intergenerational wealth whatever, but… Isn’t the most intelligent thing to literally think about the next generation, not in metaphor but our kids?

I thought the other day; when all the baby boomers die, all of the Gen X die, and also once all the millennials die, Seneca and his generation of kids, they will be the next rulers of the planet.

Because once again, all these people who don’t have kids and just have dogs ,,, eventually, when they die off, there are no longer there. I’m actually curious, if you’re a super rich executive at one of these big tech companies, and once you die, what happens to all of your wealth? Let us say you have 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion, $10 billion in the bank; once you’re dead, where will it go?

Just do you

I think the simple thoughts:

  1. Leave other people alone. If they want to change their gender sex, takes steroids or do hormone replacement therapy, let them be. Why do we care what other people do?

I think the nuance is this; when people start to superimpose their value judgments upon you and or your kids.

“I love their hair!”

Very weird happening; the other day I was at Apple Store, and a very friendly apple employee, look like an Asian American young woman, maybe in her 20s mid 20s, looked at Seneca with his cool haircut and said “I love their hair!”

It struck me a little aback. At first, I was a little bit confused, I wasn’t quite certain what they were talking about.  I then realized that that moment, maybe the employee didn’t know whether Seneca was a boy or a girl, and simply referred to Seneca as “they” or “their”. Now this doesn’t really bother me that much, but I’m just starting to see a strange shift in our lexical language.


Another funny happening; a few years ago, maybe four or five years ago, I was in downtown LA, at my favorite coffee shop (ilcafe on broadway) and I was chopping it up with one of the workers there, this is before Seneca was born. I introduced Cindy as “my partner“ (Bay Area early woke talk–) and the young guy looked a bit confused paused and said… “Business partner? Or…” then Cindy interrupts and says and jokes “No. Sexual partner”. Haha we all laughed.

The tricky thing about this term “partner” is tricky because it can mean a lot of things:

  1. Boyfriend, girlfriend, married man, married woman, gay partner lesbian partner LGBTQ partner etc.

As a consequence, it is an easy catch all term, to just refer to your significant other.

The reason why I find this term a bit problematic is that there are degrees here;

It is very very very very different if you are married versus not. 

No at least in California, I believe that same-sex marriage is legalized now, but still… I think there are some people who are in very very serious long-term relationships who end up not deciding to get married. Which is fine, I understand the whole anti-marriage sentiment, but still… I am pro monogamy, pro marriage. Of course, I am pro gay, pro lesbian, pro LGBTQ.

But I think the issue is that if we use the same term to refer both to boyfriend and girlfriend as partner, and or a married couple… This hierarchy loses its meaning. We must reestablish hierarchy.

This weird bias about polygamy?

Some thing I am very anti-is polygamy; the idea of having multiple wives, girlfriends boyfriends, partners, sexual partners or not sexual etc. This is another problem in American society; we don’t know what we want, and we don’t like closing doors, so we want infinite optionality.

Let us consider even in ancient Greece, ancient Greek mythology. Zeus and Hera. Husband and wife, king and queen on the throne. Certainly Zeus is the bad guy because he goes around sleeping with other mortals, sea nymphs whatever…  but still at the end today, in theory we could understand Zeus and Hera as married couple.

Marriage is important, is ancient and it goes back.

The big problem with polygamy, multiple marriages etc., even as a man; it is just too much stress and annoyance. It is difficult enough for a man to handle a single woman, let alone 2, 3 or more?

Is stoicism a philosophy only for men? 

First of all, I think store is for everybody. Man or woman, cat or dog whatever; I think it is a school of thought in the methodology I believe could benefit everybody.

I think this is the tricky thing:

A man should treat a woman differently than he would treat another man.

Specifically, I think a man should treat a woman with more privilege, more tolerance and patience than another man. 

And this is where the sexism comes in:

As long as a man does not have a menstrual cycle and doesn’t go through hormonal shifts like a woman, a man should always treat a woman with more privilege.

Why are we so hush-hush about hormonal shifts, ovulation cycles, menstrual cycles?

I have a younger sister, but still as a young boy growing up, teenager etc., I was very confused and I had no idea about having a period, ovulation cycles, how it all worked etc.

I actually have a vivid memory, the only young vivid memory I had is his child regarding my mom, I think my mom still had a period and a menstrual cycle, and she accidentally leaked in the bed with the white sheets, and I remember my dad yelling at my mom about it, my mom being very embarrassed about it.

As a consequence, in America at least my generation, born in 1988, we had this weird sexual education in which sex was stigmatized; abstinence was what was taught in school, we were shown all the scary images of STDs, STI’s, etc.; in the general ideas that if you have sex, doesn’t matter if protected or not, with or without a condom doesn’t matter… You might catch HIV AIDS and die. 

Also, it didn’t really help being raised Catholic, confusion, Korean American, in confusion cultures, these Asian cultures, certainly Catholicism, sex is seen and treated as being evil, not to be trusted etc. 

Sex positivity is a good idea

Why is flexing, flexing or muscles seen as poor taste?

Am I the last masculine person alive?

Even when I would go to the gym, all of these guys… Doesn’t matter if they were super strong or jacked or whatever… I didn’t really consider these guys as masculine? Why? Too dark in Marose, perpetually having a frown on their face, always having Headphones or AirPods on, antisocial, weird behaviors?

Real men, outside smiling, topless, joking and chatting with each other, shooting the shit.

In fact one of my fondest memories was early Covid when all the gyms were closed, and I would just go to the local park and do calisthenics and meet all these other guys and just talk shop with them.

What is the problem here?

My personal take is that the problem is this weird mole people philosophy to life, too much time spent indoors.

Being indoors promotes antisocial behavior

Something else I have discovered is that being indoors is bad. At the gym, which is an enclosed indoor space, people are strangely antisocial. However if you work out at the park, in the great outdoors, etc.… People are much friendlier and happier.

The solution:

Build more outdoor gyms?

We off the grid grid grid!

A simple solution and suggestion I have is this:

Build your own outdoor gym!

 I currently live in LA, unfortunately I have two parking spots. One of them I parked my Prius, the other one I store my weightlifting equipment and my squat stand, and I just workout there. 

This is great for many reasons:

  1. I save time. Even 10 minutes, five minutes, 13-14 or 15 minutes stuck in traffic driving somewhere to the gym, is time better spent working out by myself at home.
  2.  Better for your health: maybe there is something to be said about having access to fresh air. Asian people believe in moving circulating fresh air, how it is critical for health and well-being. Traditional homes in Asian homes, they are always a little bit cold, in Korean Japan; the walls are made out of parchment paper, which allow air to float in and out, and I think there is a greater culture that one must be subjected to the elements, homes are both indoor outdoor places.

Less activation energy

Another great upside of working out at home, is that there is less activation energy. A lot of people don’t exercise or work out because going to the gym seems like it is too much friction. Another thing I learned from Jeff Bezos is this infamous “buy it now” or “one click buy” concepts; if you reduce the friction to buy something, it makes life easier.

For example, it is important for people to buy stuff, and I think and I believe that Amazon prime is a massive net plus to society. 

So perhaps the great upside of working at a home, I think for optimal health should lift weights every day, at least once a day? Maybe even twice a day?

Media and bad feelings?

Maybe one of the big problems here is media. Media and bad feelings and emotions, over sentimental emotions?

For example, I was actually very very very curious about the Barbie movie, thinking of it like a good sociological watch, just like watching the matrix, 3.0.

However the big problem even watching that scene where Barbie goes into the real world and talks to the little girl Sasha; really really bad emotions and feelings here.

I actually wonder, if so much of modern day life, is ruined and bastardized by the fact that people watch all these shows and movies and stuff, which actually promotes anger, bad feelings, etc.?

What is the solution?

The simply thought is don’t watch media, don’t let your kids watch any media. It really messes them up.

Whether you have a boy or a girl doesn’t matter; movies are evil?

Who is the Director?

I know the thing that people don’t really think about and consider; ultimately, when you watch a film or a movie or whatever, it ends up being a magnification or a metaphor, the brainchild of the Director?

Therefore, a simple heuristic:

Before watching any sort of movie, film, cinema, TV show series whatever… First do research on who the Director the producer is, and then work your way backwards.

If the philosophy or political thinking of the Director or the producer or the creator is not in line with your own personal set of beliefs, then don’t watch it or consume it.

What does the Director or the producer look like?

Looks matter. Height physiology, facial morphology etc.

Google is Clickbait?

A new pro tip, in order to avoid getting suckered by Google, Google images, which is essentially all Clickbait at the end of the day,  just use flicker, flicker.com and use the little search icon when searching celebrities directors famous people etc. Try to get full body shots, and ideally, try to witness certain things:

Their height, their physiology, their body fat percentage, their muscle mass, what their face looks like.

For example, only beautiful people could produce beautiful artwork and films. 

If the producer, artist, Director is somebody you do not consider as beautiful, don’t watch read it or consume it.

Ugly in face, ugly in soul (Plato?)

Monstro in animo, monstro in face?

Creating your ideal or being the ideal?

 one of my favorite directors of all time is Zack Snyder, who produced the new Superman, the new Batman man, Justice Lee, as well as the original 300 movie. I rate the movie 300 as one of the best films of all time.

Something very interesting I found and discovered Zach Snyder is actually pretty short, only 5 foot seven? King Leonidas, Gerald Butler is maybe 6 foot one or something, so this is what I think: 

We create our own ideals.

 Therefore my cyclone Alicis is when Zack Snyder is creating a film, he is creating an idealized version of what he wishes he was.

For example as a kid, I grew up watching Johnny bravo, as well as being really into Arnold Schwarzenegger, in fact, it was always my personal ambition to be like the terminator, like Arnold. I’m around 5 foot 10 1/2, 5 foot 11; people always think I am shorter because I am Asian, which is essentially low-key racism.

Now what?

Easy; become your own ideal!