
  • Life *After* Stoicism

    Stoicism is not volatile enough. Certainly we want Stoicism to clip and hedge the downsides of life, but, you want at least 200X upside in life!

    A good reason to be anti stoic 

    I think about 99% stoicism is good, come on, I named my firstborn son after Seneca the younger, the great stoic sage!

    Yet where stoicism fails, I call this “the life after stoicism”, is that Stoicism is too focused on hardening yourself into like a porcupine, and then eventually, it makes you unemotional on feeling etc. Yet what if you want to embrace this interesting strategy; put on the stoic armor, in which you don’t really suffer any downsides from life, but you could harness the volatility of life, and channel harness and reap the benefits of the upside?

  • The Philosophy of Volatility 

    A super super interesting thought on my mind is the quote from Michael Saylor, volatility is vitality. What does that mean, why does it matter etc.?

    First, typically when we think of volatility, it is in the financial realm. We think of volatility in the context of something going up and down, almost unpredictably, chaotically, crazily.

    For example in the markets, we tend to think of volatility like a bad thing. Because most people cannot stomach the up and downs.

    I am an interesting case because obviously I’m affected by it too. Yet now, whenever I see volatility, I’m more annoyed than anything, like the days that bitcoins down, or the days that micro strategy stock is a little bit down, it is almost more like having an annoying mosquito bite, Maybe even a tiny splinter than anything. The good thing with mosquito bites is as time goes on, we know that it will fade, although it is very annoying. Also, with the tiny splinter… Super super annoying to pick it out, but you can!

    Nuclear power

    So besides Chernobyl and Fukushima, I actually think that nuclear power is a super smart idea. Certainly nobody wants nuclear fallout, but come on… It is year 2024. For a while, me and Seneca were playing with SimCity: cities at the future on the Mac, and also, we watched the cities of the future film on IMAX and also 3-D, at the California science center. It is still kind of bizarre to me… Once again, the year 2024, if I think about the film Elysium, produced by Bill Block, and starring Matt Damon, shouldn’t we kind of be living in this futuristic, cyberpunk, or massively green and beautiful bright future? Not kind of this ugly, slumlord vibes we get from watching a film like Snow piercer?

    Anyways, about two or three days ago I was curious why bitcoin spite so high, breaking the mythical $70,000 mark, after about 2 to 4 years of languishing. So I searched it on ChatGPT, and randomly saw that because Elon Musk tweeted it? And then I was curious, and then I kind of went down a rabbit hole, checking Elon Musk Twitter, Seeing now how he endorses Donald Trump, and then seeing the tweed video the retweeted video of the Joe Rogan podcast with Donald Trump.

    Anyways, I was watching the interview, I watched about half of it, very fun and interesting and entertaining! One of the interesting things is how Joe Rogan was asking Trump about nuclear.

    So to me nuclear is interesting because it is insanely high volatility like it has a lot of power. But I’ve done right, if handled quickly, it is essential you producers practically free energy for everybody! Apparently they do it well in France I think, they just create a bunch of these mini nuclear power plants, And the French citizens benefit?

    A good reason to be anti-stoic 

    I think about 99% stoicism is good, come on, I named my firstborn son after Seneca the younger, the great stoic sage!

    Yet we’re stores and fails, I called this the life after stoicism, is that Stoicism is too focused on hardening yourself into like a porcupine, and then eventually, it makes you unemotional on feeling etc. Yet what if you want to embrace this interesting strategy; put on the stoic armor, in which you don’t really suffer any downsides from life, but you could harness the volatility of life, and channel harness and reap the benefits of the upside?

    The wisdom of kids

    So kind of an interesting thing I learned from Seneca, kids in general etc.; Seneca is about 3 1/2, and when he is angry or upset about something, he’ll get angry, he’ll throw stuff, stop his feet, put out a lot of high energy, start screaming and yelling, and shouting, But when we just let him get it out of his system, like for 30 seconds or a minute or so, he’ll kind of forget about it, and then start smiling again, and then being happy and proceeding like usual. Because Seneca is like happy and joyful and silly and playful and curious Like 99.999% of the time.

    Anyways, I almost wonder if this is a better strategy for adults as well. I think we’re adults fail is that we try to be good proper and prim, I don’t know if this is like Victorian Quaker Christian ethics, we tried to restrain our anger, we don’t raise our voices we don’t yell we don’t scream, we don’t throw stuff , we are told to become modest, go on a walk etc. But I almost wonder if it was a good idea that adults we also would just let our our anger and fury as well like kids — for example if we’re angry, to just yell shot scream, stump our feet, go outside, throw around the sandbag, go to the park and take some big heavy rocks and throw them into the distance etc. Also as a funny sidenote, go on YouTube or Google and search ERIC KIM rock toss challenge, in which during Covid when all the gyms were shut down I would just go to the nearby park, find the biggest rock or Boulder I could, and just practice throwing it around etc. It might be the best workout of all time!

    Anyways, the issue with adults is that when we’re angry or upset about something, we’re holding our emotions, yet we harbor this anger and resentment, this Poison, four weeks days months years decades? Even one of my uncles, considering that my grandfather had an illegitimate wife in about five or six kids all illegitimate kids on the other side, essentially ditching my mom‘s mom, and the 4 to 5 legitimate kids,  anyways, apparently one of my uncles is still super super upset about this, even many years after the passing of my grandfather, my uncle saying that after getting drunk “I have no father”, referring to my already deceased grandpa.

    I get it, but I almost feel like it doesn’t really matter anymore. Don’t people gotta move on?

    Yeah yeah yeah, life is tough, life is sad whatever, but, I once read that resentment an anger is like drinking Poison, hoping that the other person dies.

    No not only is this kind of not a good strategy, it is ineffective but also foolish.

    For example, imagine like you’re a warrior, like your Achilles, or Hector, and you’re about to do the final battle. You got your spear and shield, your battle armor on. Obviously the goal is to throw your spear and killed other guy, not to take your spear and stab yourself in spite of your enemy, hoping that somehow Spearing yourself will damage the other person?

    Really sick stuff

    Even a more sick thing, a parent, who is frustrated with their child, not sure what to do, starts to literally beat themselves, like hitting themselves or self flagellating themselves, causing themselves some sort of self-made pain, to make the younger child feel bad?

    The early Christian fathers, a lot of them kind of unwell people, we kind of do a similar thing, self flagellate themselves for their sins whatever, as a form of repentance or something?

    But the reason why this is so sick and weird, is that once again, by hurting or damaging or poisoning yourself, you ain’t doing nothing useful.

    Like for example, let us say that you did something bad or whatever, and then boom now your parents are dead or somebody you care about is dead or whatever, and then you get super depressed and you start to drink alcohol, smoke a bunch of weed, do a bunch of drugs, simply to alleviate your pain your distress your suffering. Or you start to self yourself, you start to physically beat yourself.

    Now once again, this is not productive at all.

    Channel volatility

    So just watching the recent micro strategy earnings call, call Michael! I also like Andrew Kang and Phong Le (both I presume our Korean and Vietnamese, just like me, Seneca, and Cindy!) 

    Anyways, what do you notice what super interesting was that what is so fascinating about micro strategy, it is like literally the best performing company in stock in the known human universe, is that it is also the most volatile. Whereas a typical asset might have a volatility of five, The volatility of micro strategy often exceeds 50.

    Volatility is vitality, the motto of Michael Saylor.

    So then I guess the tricky thing, the philosophy behind things: “would you prefer to have higher volatility for greater yield and performance? Or would you rather have low or no volatility, and just take boring steady gains, but far inferior gains and yields?

     for me, I think 100% obvious strategy is to have higher performance, would even greater and higher volatility.

    Because at the end of the day, it is probably more interesting to drive a high volatility performance vehicle, like a Lamborghini, which has more power powers and “flexiness” rather than a boring and reliable Toyota Camry?

    Yet what a lot of fools do is they just park their money in some sort of blended S&P 500 derivative, because they don’t know what else to do?

    Taking control of your financial destiny

    Michael Saylor said his personal imperative with bitcoin, is that he believes that at least 50% of the world‘s problems and issues can be solved by fixing the money. He likes traditional money in capital as being toxic; would you give your healthy four year-old child contaminated sewer water to drink, or would you give them clean water? or, would you take the temperature of your home, which is a cozy 73°, and turn down the thermostat by 1°, every single day, for 10 years? Obviously not, you will literally kill and freeze your family to death.  

    I think the genius of a Michael Saylor is that he studied history of science at MIT, and also aeronautics and aerospace engineering.

     so I was curious about the word volatility, and apparently it just is derived from Latin to fly, initially from the Proto into European to throw.

    So certainly flying is good. I would not want to go to Seoul South Korea on a boat. Also, thinking about French colonialism, I have no idea how the French would be able to stand the boat ride from Paris all the way over to Saigon; or even worse, Thinking about Australia, the original penal colony, how in the hell did you take a boat from London all the way to Australia?

    Anyways, the vitality flying, certainly flying can be dangerous, you hear the reports about the new Boeing jets, exploding or whatever. Yet nobody gives up flying.

    Or let us say the dangers of driving an automobile car. Certainly there are lots of dangers associated with driving, like fatalities from car related accidents, now texting while driving, it is literally a life for that situation. You are 1 trillion times more likely to die from a car accident rather than any sort of Accident resulting from a terrorist attack, or a gun related fatality. If in fact, everyone is talking about why guns are bad and so evil and how we should be in guns or whatever. Yet nobody is talking about how we should be texting while driving, or even ban The use of a cell phone while you are in an automobile car. If anything, if Apple really wanted to say millions of lives, I have a simple thought: by default if you buy a new phone or whatever, a new Apple ID or whatever, There should be a workflow which if it detects that you’re driving really really fast in the car, it automatically love you out of your phone, into the do not disturb driving mode, and that if you want to access the normal mode, assuming you’re a passenger in an Uber or Tesla Robo taxi, then you could voice dictate or type I am not driving. Or I am a passenger.

    Anyways, volatility is good. I almost wonder if volatility, voltage is the same thing? You step up and you step down there’s transformers for electricity. And this is what allows high-powered electricity to travel from phone wires, silently into your home, powering your washer and dryer your heater and air conditioning whatever. Yet nobody is trying to ban electricity.

    Channeling volatility

    So also, all those curious… Why is it that I have never met a female day trader? Or a female bitcoin investor?

    I’ve met lots of day traders, all mail, some guys at the gym at the local park whatever. It is pretty common to meet day traders, Who Dr., Uber on the side or whatever. I haven’t really met any bitcoin investors in the flesh yet, besides myself. And certainly I have never met any women who are interested in bitcoin. It is too volatile for them.

    It is also too volatile for most men. Yet a simple filter, I think that for the general part, women hate volatility, most men also hate volatility but some men like myself, love volatility.

    Question; are there any women who love volatility? I guess the ideas that you have sex with the rockstar, and you have the boring accountant husband at home, paying the mortgage or whatever, but it seems that most women, would not want to be in a serious financial relationship with a Starbucks barista playing music on the side.

    Anyways, maybe what life is then, is the love of volatility. 

    Harnessing the upside of volatility without the downside?

    So this is where things get super interesting; how can reap the benefits of the upside, like gain 150% upside in life, while clipping the downside?

    So for example, the micro strategy strategy is super super fascinating;: capturing 150% the performance of bitcoin and the upside, without the downside?

    So how do they do this? Simply put they have access to permanent bitcoin capital. Funny enough they are dubbing themselves BTC, bitcoin treasury company, I like to just think of micro strategy as their first bitcoin bank (BB), because it is easier for mere mortals like myself to remember, but anyways, what is super fascinating about micro strategy, is because they have been in business for over 30 years, they are a real company, that first started off selling business intelligence software, and now transitioning into becoming the world‘s first 100% bitcoin company, which is effectively unstoppable at this point; even if Apple somehow bought $1 trillion worth of bitcoin, because the operating structure of Apple computer is still revolving around future projections of selling more future iPhones, Apple can never really really ever become 100% bitcoin, even if I wanted to.

    Oh and also as a random sidenote, I think in December, our discussions that Microsoft might actually start to add bitcoin to her balance sheet. This is worth noting, especially because starting January 2025, the new FASB ( financial accounting standards board, GAAP generally accepted accounting principles — essentially companies institutions like Harvard and Yale and Brown Kang now add bitcoin to their balance sheet, as a treasury reserve asset. The reason why this is a big deal is for so long, bitcoin was considered fake money, and that a company could not add it to her balance sheet, proving proof of funds and reserves in the traditional sense. Now, all of these nerds who become accounting will have to learn all of these new rules, figuring out how to integrate bitcoin and other cryptocurrency assets to accounting principles.

    The reason why this is such a big deal is that once again, people still think that bitcoin is fake money! Yet look at the Janet yell and talk, and even look at Larry Fink, CEO of black rock who owns over $10 trillion worth of assets, Larry Fink even now says that bitcoin is legitimate asset class, and I think that black rock has actually recently invested and bought a bunch more micro strategy stock. 

    Oh and also, a pro tip; definitely get the $20 a month ChatGPT pro, it is now the ultimate financial investment research tool; when you want to search any financials or anything, this is an insanely big deal.

     Anyways, once Harvard Yale and Ivy League schools start to purchase bitcoin, or maybe even there investors, the ones that handle the endowment start to purchase micro strategy, which is essentially a conduit for purchasing bitcoin, with indirect exposure to the asset class of bitcoin,  this will be a big deal.

    How to harness the upsides of volatility without the downsides?

    So this is a very big idea. Obviously the goal in life is to win, even Michael Saylor said at the end of October 30 micro strategy earnings call, that essentially, under a bitcoin strategy, everybody wins, there are no losers in the bitcoin strategy. Only varying degrees of success. 

    Philosophically, this is fantastic. Why? To me the idea that we could all win together, 100%, no losers, isn’t this the ultimate thing?

    For example, I still think that the number 1 Foolish Way that most individuals live is that they think of life like zero; they think that your success means my failure, that you’re a big dick means my small dick.

    But this makes no sense because money is fake, money ain’t real, it is just a man-made construct. So if somehow you have $1 million in the bank, that doesn’t make my balance any smaller or bigger.

    I suppose the thing that is a little bit tricky under the bitcoin standard is that because there is a hard cap of 21 million bitcoins, ultimate strategy is indeed to own the most bitcoin at the end of the day. And this is still where I think the strategy, is to use micro strategy as a cash yield generation machine, periodically selling micro strategy stock when it is up to purchase more bitcoin, is still the best strategy.

  • The Ethics

    So something which is super interesting and important to me is ethics. And honestly it is something that is so elusive because there is no codified hard set rules of ethics which applied to everybody, for eternity.

    Also, I think is super interesting because I actually tired in ethics with certain moralistic imperative; I sent you when it comes down to it… Your personal ethics your ethos of things dictates almost everything.

    I’m almost starting to think instead… Rather than thinking about goals, veteran instead to think about ethics and ethos and your imperatives and philosophies behind things.

    The ethics of Bitcoin & money

    Is bitcoin actually the most virtuous money?

    So what is super interesting to me is that from a philosophical perspective, if you invoke the Austrian economics, like Karl Menger and the like .,, Property, what is property?

    Property is something that you own, that belongs to you, which legally that nobody could seize against your own will.

    So for example, I can own a watch, a camera, a car whatever… Legally nobody could just come up to me and steal it from me without any sort of negative repercussion.


    Cindy’s mom and my brother-in-law Gabe both said it; when your own property, like real estate or whatever… Assuming there is a tax rate which is above 0%, that means that you don’t really “own “the property… You just borrowing it or renting it from the government.

    Because this issue is with taxes, in theory, that is money that you’ll never see touch or witness, and it is essentially like you’re bleeding capital.

    So for example, I was shocked, doing the math on even a $1.6 million home, I had a very low interest rate, you’re still bleeding around $1800 a month … close to $2000 a month, essentially money that is just going into thin air and vapor?

    Even if you’re a savvy investor like myself, my personal thought is I would prefer to take that $2000 a month and just buy bitcoin instead, which is gonna go to $13 million or $22 million a bitcoin. 


    OK so currently… This is my thought:

    Single family home or nothing.

    I think the fragile position to be in is only a condo because the price of him might slightly go up, but… It might not even be able to keep in pace or up to pace with inflation. What that means is let us say you buy a condo for $1 million, and you sell it a deck for $1.2 million, you might’ve thought that you realized a $200,000 gain but you did not, because of inflation, you might’ve actually lost money?

    Another thing… Even owning a single-family home, property whatever, once again if you factor in property taxes and stuff, you’re not really making money.

    So I heard that is to own a single-family home is kind of more of like a trophy acid like bragging rights for owning a Ferrari or Lamborghini whatever.

    I suppose the nuance in difference is you could actually live in the thing, the single-family home. And you could brag to all your millennial friends that you own a single-family home.

    I think where the calculus gets a little bit confusing is assuming that you’re married you have a wife and kids or more kids on the way etc. So then the home becomes a symbolic thing. But for me still… My hard school of thought is that a home is not an investment, it is just somewhere where you live.

    And essentially, once again, just do the math, assuming that bitcoin is currently around $65,000 of bitcoin and is going up to 13 million, there is at least a 200X potential gain in front of you.

    So let us say that your down payment is $300,000 or whatever, that is $60M. So the question is… Are you willing to sacrifice $60 million for the potential upside of buying a certain house you like? For you and your family?


    I think your life, the wise thing to think about, is that decisions, nothing is ever forever, nor should anything before ever, and even from a Zen and Taoist principal, nothing ever remains the same even if you want it to.

    Also, your ethics change. Your ethical framework as a two-year-old versus 12-year-old versus high schooler versus college student versus 36 year old man with a kid is going to be different. Your ethics and morality as a degenerate single person is going to be different than your ethics and your morality once you have a kid. Or several.

    Or your ethics before getting married and after getting married.

    Where philosophers fail

    It really really big problem is a lot of these philosophers try to create some sort of ultimate at the cold framework which can never be changed or modified. They strive in vain for 30 years, seeking some sort of ultimate truth of everything, which could last 1000 years or whatever. If you think about it then, this is what religion is. The religion of Mohammad, Saint Paul, the religion of Judea – these religions have lasted for thousands of years. So I guess the founders did a good job.

    Endowments for private schools like Harvard or Yale; their endowments last forever. So it looks like they’re doing something right.

    The ethics of smoking

    So for this conversation I’m just going to talk about secondhand smoke.

    So some critical issues here; the ethics.

    First, I think smoking cigarettes in a public space which is not your house, in which your secondhand could fuck up the lungs of other people, especially for people like myself with sensitive lungs, is unethical.

    First, legally it might be allowed, but ethically, it is not.

    The first rule is first do no harm onto others. If you are on a sidewalk, and you have a certain walking path every single morning, and there’s always somebody smoking on that path, and they don’t know it, but there’s secondhand smoke goes down half a block, And it attacks your lungs, they are doing harm on you, whether you know it or not.

    So it is unethical.

    Ident suppose, what can and what should you do about it?

    For example I met a dude named Scott, who is always smoking this one spot in Culver City, wearing his red vest, he claims he works there but he looks homeless and dirty? Not sure I talked with him, and he seemed kind of normal, but slightly a little weird? Anyways, I asked him nicely to not smoke there on the main street because it gets into my lungs whatever, but then he told me to not walk on the sidewalk. Or to walk on the other side?

    Or he told me to keep walking?

    First, I think the major issue here is repeated exposure. Maybe if I was in Venice Beach or whatever, in which I’ll never see the person again this is different, but because I see him almost every single day or every other day, this is very annoying and upsetting to me.

    So obviously the first idea is to have a conversation with him. He had the audacity to tell me “If you don’t like it keep walking”. 

    So some several issues here.

    First, once again, no I will not keep walking. Because the issue is the regularity and the continued exposure. Once again if you’re in Santa Monica, and you see a homeless guy smoking a cigarette, or looking like he is cracked out, often in that situation the best strategy is don’t engage with crazy drugged out homeless people.

    However, if the person looks like an irrational human being, mentally there, then isn’t having an intelligent conversation with somebody worth it?

    Second I guess the big thing is I always saw it and I pointed out to him, that there’s literally a sign there that says no smoking. Like the big cigarette icon with the big red circle and the strike through it. I pointed out to him and he said that “oh, I never saw that.”

    I also suppose there’s a difference, if the person is homeless or a squatter versus they actually work there?


    Then at this point, let’s assume that is private property, but the property owner put a do not smoke sign out. Then according to the rules of the private property, you can and should enforce it. Is that what you do is you talk to Security, or you called the property manager etc. And you report them.

    But let us say that it is a more of a grey zone; like they are smoking a cigarette kind of close to a restaurant which is actually illegal in Los Angeles and most of California I believe. In this case, what do you do, call the cops on the person?

    Or… Let us say that you approach somebody and you try to talk to them rationally, and then they threaten you with some sort of physical violence, or they do physically assault you? Then I suppose what you could do is bust out your iPhone camera, Start recording them, and then you could get them arrested?

    I suppose the only thing you don’t want to get done to you is to get stabbed or shot with a gun, you don’t want to die.

    I mean I suppose for myself, I could take a hit or an injury, I just don’t want to die.

    So maybe, just be careful if you think they might have a gun?

    Not being a pushover

    So I think the problem with most people nowadays, especially people my age the millennial generation I was born in 1988, we are a very non-confrontational generation. And honestly most people are.

    The first thing is don’t let nobody push you around, don’t be a pushover. If there’s something you don’t like you had to speak up, and it is a good idea to make a fuss out of it even bit may seem trivial.

    So for me, the only thing I really hit on the planet is cigarette smoke, secondhand smoke. Especially having a father who was a heavy smoker, I hate the smell of secondhand cigarette more than the devil.

    And also, a big issue here is that I have a kid now, and me and Seneca often walk down that street and we smelled the secondhand smoke. So once again, you’re not just standing up for yourself but for your kid.

    I think the tricky thing with ethics is we should not invoke children because if you’re talking about kids you’re just kind of blaming them. Or you’re putting them in the crossfire. You should never make your kid apologize for nothing, it is your role as the guardian, The father to essentially have a spine and not be a pussy.

    What is a hero?

    I Also suppose the issue at hand is  things that upset you, versus things that could actually damage your harm others, whether it be your family, your kid, your kids etc.?

    I think the first practical thought is not to be a social justice warrior for all of society, this is too fake. First just protect your wife and your kid, the most difficult thing.

    Then after that your clan, your best friends, your squad.

    Treat others you would like to be treated?

    The golden rule, treating other people that way you would like to be treated, not perfect but still kind of a good rule. 

  • The Philosophy of Goals

    So, is a goal a good idea, or is it not?

    My personal thought right now is goals are not the path. Instead, I prefer the idea of principles, thoughts, patterns, or general values.

    So I’ve had random goals in my life and I’ve hit all of them, financial personal fame etc.

    And also… And weightlifting, lifting the mythical 1000 pounds.

    Now, my personal thought is trying to focus on more important things like for example, deeper thoughts, deeper philosophies etc.

    And also, trying to pioneer new ideas that are hugely practical and pragmatic, which could help other people. And obviously thinking through things to help myself. 

    So currently, a huge thought on my mind is financial, living, lifestyle etc.

    So for example, I think a lot of people, maybe around my age, I’m 36 years old, born in 1988; a lot of people are into trying to buy a house or something? Not sure?

    So I think and wonder, I think the big question about buying a house, buying your property, single-family home etc.

    Financial leverage?

    So the first critical thought to consider is financial leverage.

    So I think the number one critical thing is the interest rate. And also the philosophy of interest.

    So obviously everyone needs somewhere to live, but if you need to live somewhere you could just rent. So the question is what is the purpose of purchasing a home, especially if you need to buy it not all in cash?

    100% cash offer?

    So then the big question at hand is should you buy a house if you have to mortgage it or borrow money from the bank?

    So there are all these really really sophisticated financial instruments, remortgaging your house, refinancing it or whatever… And somehow being able to draw equity from it?

    I have no idea how this works, but still, my general gut feeling is that having to deal or mess with anything in the physical realm seems like a losing bet.

    Why? First, the critical issue here is that you’re playing with the laws of physics gravity and time. Which is a very very fragile position to be in because boom, your roof goes out, the foundation of your home is in disrepair, you could easily be out $100,000 or $200,000 without blinking.

    The idea?

    The difference between a man and a woman–

     I think women seek to buy a home and own a home as a conduit for safety security etc. A man might want to buy a house as a gesture of supporting and providing for the family, etc.

    And or, maybe if you want to be a man in the high castle, do you want to build yourself a fortress?

    But if you think of yourself like Achilles… And you think about the Greece versus Trojans, you don’t want to have a choice you essentially create a prison for yourself.

    I think actually what we want is power, domination.

    Is it that Achilles wanted? And what he cared for? Briesis his “rightful” prize, so, an unintended side consequence, getting revenge for his best friend Patroclus by avenging his death by killing Hector.

    My personal read is actually… Achilles, all he cared for is actually the lust for battle.  Seems this is when Achilles is at his finest; she is a warrior demigod, a mean green killing machine. 

    Maybe happiness is not the goal?

    Aristotle says all men to be happy, and it is one good that people seek for the sake in itself.

    I beg to differ, I think a little different; maybe what we really do desire instead, is the lust for battle, domination, and conquering?

    For example what is it that Alexander the great wanted to do? To essentially conquer the known modern world. What does America want? The same. 


    Apparently there are all these laws that we have the legal right to self-defense, but nobody has the legal right of offense.

    And also where things get tricky is if let us say that you have a gun and somebody else might or might not have a gun, and you’re afraid of your life in danger or your kids life in danger whatever… And you shoot first, in preemptive self-defense, and then boom you found out that the other guy Was just trying to reach for a cigarette or whatever, then what?

    I think things are very very tricky if it has to deal with the life of your child, or as a conduit, your life as it means to protect your child?

    So for example, I have zero interest in performing fake bravado and getting shot by some skinny fat loser with a beard, and dying to try to act tough, because if this is the case Seneca will not have a father.

    So I think you’re very important thing to think about and consider is you’re not just thinking about your own life, but, also, the future life of your son, your daughter, your kids, or even potentially your future kids?

    so what is it here we really want?

    I think in America, there is a notion of security. Of settling down, stability etc.

    But is this a good goal?

    Once again, it all depends on who you are, your value ethics and morality etc.

    So for example, considering that I love powerlifting, one Max lifting, my notion of safety is different than the over generalized notion of safety for somebody else.

    For example, maybe somebody who is more of a boring person, might like to do things more of a bodybuilding style, like doing predictable repetitions, sets, using the loser cable machine etc. And their goal is more towards developing a look and physique, rather than building their courage, strength, power and dominance.

    And this is why, at the end of the day… The biggest dick in the room will always be the guy who could lift the most.

    So for example, if you’re at the gym, which is the modern day arena, if you could lift 1000 pounds, your dick is 1 trillion times bigger than the guy with the big chest, who could only bench press 325 pounds or something.

    I think once again, the truth of the matter is when you’re at the gym, everyone is trying to be the biggest dick in the room. And I think that is fine; everyone tries to seek it a different way. 

    For example some people end up being the weird calisthenics or weird mobility people because they think that it makes them feel dominant, others tried to do it with muscular size and steroids, other guys try to do it with increasing their one rep max number also taking steroids.

    So here… To compete with other random strangers in the gym or the world is a bad idea because if that is your ultimate goal, you’re probably sooner or later going to take steroids or something.

    Also this is where I trust zero professional sports, even the regulated ones in the Olympic; if you want to win and get the goal… You’re going to take steroids or other weird drugs, to give you an edge.

    Same goes with actors, actresses etc.… The whole industry is not good because it’s see extreme novelty and weirdness; women will end up doing strange plastic surgery and augmentation surgery, men will also be taking steroids other stuff to get the great on camera physique.

    Like let us consider… If there is a scene in the superhero movie in which you’re taking off your shirt, obviously you want to look like a superhero, like a god. That shot might only be like 10 seconds, but it is whatever everyone is going to be talking about in the next 10 years. So obviously from this perspective, the optimal strategy to take steroids, and promise that you won’t ever do it again later. 

    What does this happen? Obviously not. 

    Leg thoughts

    I have this simple idea of a never sitting lifestyle. You’re never sitting in a chair, on the couch, or in a car, doesn’t matter if you have a Rolls-Royce or whatever.

    So what is super interesting is that now, I have the 60 pound weight vest, which has totally changed my life. Every single morning without fail, I always put it on, and do my morning walks with it. Within a very very short period of time, it has improved my Physiology 1 trillion fold; my posture is superior, I stand up straighter, I’m just far stronger more handsome, more glorious!

    And, the biggest benefit is that what I’m sitting down, with it… I realize, how poor sitting is for you.

    People say that sitting is the new smoking, I think maybe instead… Sitting is the new Poison?

    Why sitting is toxic for you 

    First, there is actually no physiological reason why you need to sit, unless you’re crippled in a wheelchair.

    For example, there is no reason why you can’t use a standing desk, if you’re tired, your legs are tired whatever, instead of trying to self yourself to keep working and be productive, the easiest thing is to just lie down on your back and take a nap!

    And also… Even taking it a step further, there’s no real reason you need to even stand at a desk anymore, the idea is to just have an iPad Pro, and walk around while you’re doing your work! You could even have an iPhone or iPhone Pro, and ideally just do all of your walking outside while you take meetings or do work related things?

    Even if you have to send an email for a living, or take phone calls for a living, the ideal would just to just maybe have AirPods on, to just walk around nature and do your meetings on your phone? And do your emails just doing voice dictation, in nature or on a hike?


    It is the year 2024, I don’t understand it… Why are corporations and companies, especially the big tech ones, still forcing their employees to have to come into the office, even once a week or something?

    The only reasonable explanation is some sort of Panopticon monitoring Security thing; you’re fearful that your employees are getting lazy and unproductive, slacking off at home, therefore you force him to go into the office, to assert your domination and power over them.

    Ethical imperatives?