Recover, how to recover time, life?

So a new luck experiment; within reason, never jumping into a car, even if it is good.

Some points of rationale:

First, it seems that the primary issue here is when it comes to these asshole drivers on the road, road rage etc., the logical approach is to not just expose yourself to these assholes. The simplest thing is to just not jump into a car!

Why? I see eyewitness a lot of these big ass tough guys, we tried to bully me on the road with their anemic cars. People do this in many ways, they do with trucks, lifted trucks, over landing vehicles etc., the door with loser range rovers, loser AMG G wagons,  loser portion 911’s, you name it. Fortunately it seems that the best drivers on the road are Tesla drivers; I think because it has the Tesla AI behind it, the good thing is that it discourages asshole behavior or asshole driving.

Become the change in which you wish to see in the world

This Gandhi quote has stuck with me for a very long time, ever since I first heard it in high school, in fact I use this “for my UCLA admission letter, which I guess got me into UCLA as an undergrad. And also, pretty impressive that first I applied for biology, which is actually very competitive… And even with subpar grades, I think my total weighted GPA at the time was only a 3.98, I still got in! I credit being a Boy Scout Eagle Scout and doing a bunch of community service to get in. Definitely not my grades.

Anyways, I think the primary issue at hand is you have a lot of these passive aggressive assholes, who hide and mighty in there vehicles will try to bully you with their loser cars. But, if you see them in the street… They would never dare to honk or bark at you if you saw them face-to-face.

For example, let us just imagine… Let us say that you are on the sidewalk, and you have a person right behind you, and the crosswalk turns green. If you do not move within half a second, would the person behind you  honk at you, yell at you to get moving, whatever? Certainly not.

Also, I think if you do things in the flesh, if somebody from behind yelled at you or honked at you, but you were just walking in the flesh… You could do a simple thing like turn around, and then assess them, judge them, and Measure them up.

The big issue of being in car is this asymmetry; if you are driving, somebody honked at you from behind, first you cannot really see who is honking at you, sometimes even I am confused whether I am being hung from the person at behind, or if it is somebody else on the road.

Second, let us say there’s a loser in the Range Rover who honked at you from behind, because you did not go on the green in the split millisecond; I have no idea who is the human being who honked at me. Is it a man, a woman? Is it 80 year old man, or a 36 year old punk? Is it a 4 foot tall man, or is it a 400 pound obese man?

These things matter. Nobody would dare to punk me on the streets, because I am 6 foot tall, weight vest on, super jacked and swole, and I am probably the nicest guy, but I could also be the most aggressive person, if shit hits the fan.

And this is the truth, real men, real men with high testosterone, real fighters, MMA fighters, UFC fighters in the flesh… In real life these men are actually insanely friendly, polite, jovial! It is only these low testosterone man who are antisocial,  are sizing you up behind their cowardly fully tinted sunglasses baseball cap and beard, but pretending like they are not… A real man doesn’t wear sunglasses, doesn’t have tint in the front of their car, nor did they have tint in there sunglasses, the real man doesn’t use AirPods, and even this whole facial hair trend I think a bad one; the reason why a lot of men grow out their facial hair is to hide their double chin, or their fat. 

Even an insanely bizarre new modern day trend is these skinny fat loser guys once again, sunglasses, baseball hat, growing out a Hitler mustache? I find it objectively ugly and offensive to look at.

Anyways, I think the first thought about recovering time, recovering life is maximum time walking, outside! We could be on the sidewalk, you could be in public, it could be a hiking spot, a national park trail etc. For example, whenever I see people hiking on a trail… People are in a very good mood! Even better than the beach!

I love both, but still for me maybe the mountains are more interesting because typically when you’re hiking on the mountain, which just means walking on uneven surfaces, we feel more connected to nature, like to see elevation, we see plant life wilderness trees etc., All of this time I spent in Boy Scouts as a kid going on hikes and doing camping and summer camp was actually very good for me! I didn’t really think about him much as a kid, I think I took it for granted, I would prefer to just be at home playing video games, but now as an adult looking back, I am so insanely grateful to my scoutmasters, my troop, Troop 11 from Alameda! Maybe once Seneca gets old enough, I’ll also put him in scouts? Maybe one day I’ll become a scoutmaster? 

The sociological issue here

Whether I like to admit it or not, I think ultimately, perhaps my primary interest is sociology; Social physics, being human, being in human in public spaces etc.

Why does this matter? It is 1 trillion times more important than you think. When it comes down to it, almost everything modern day life, is a sociological phenomenon. 

For example, the sociology of money, the sociology of capitalism, the sociology of consumerism etc. Also the sociology of being on the streets, being in public, and also, the sociology of driving a vehicle or being on the road!

In fact, I don’t think anyone has actually done a comprehensive analysis or critique or line of critical thinking in regards to the politics of driving, especially in LA.

One thing I learned from my neighbor Jim, who always walked his dogs outdoors in Orange County, in a neighborhood where there is literally no sidewalks, when there would be crazy cars speeding down 50 miles an hour down a 25 mph residential neighborhood, she would make eye contact and yell into his hands gesture to tell them to “slow down”. I am starting to do the same hand gesture, which is just taking out your palm outside of your driver side window, putting your hand flat like a palm, gesturing “calm down”. I’ve already had a guy throw the middle finger out at me,  and another skinny fat loser with a beard honked at me from behind, now that I am no longer allowing these wimps to bully me, people are shocked.

Never tolerate no disrespect. Become the change which you wish to see in the world. Even if it exposes you to danger.


I’ve been on a rampage telling people to not smoke in public, or to please not smoke in public.

Apparently I was talking to my friend Ray, and he said that once, he told her guy in Venice to not smoke in public, and a guy pulled out a gun on him. Another time he saw some kids graffiti and he asked him to stop graffiti, and once again the kids pulled out a gun, and then he just threw up his hands and said “OK OK I’m sorry let me go”.

No the response is not to just get a gun yourself, and do some sort of John Wick pistol fighting match.

Maybe the first thought is just always be armored up, always have a bulletproof vest on you, or at least a 60 pound weight vest. If cops could do it all day long, can’t you?  I’m pretty sure you could Amazon prime yourself a bulletproof vest.

In America, there are lots of laws regarding legality or illegality of owning a gun, but, no laws or illegal edict which prevent you from owning a bulletproof vest.

In fact, I think the law should be rewritten, not the right to bear arms, but the right to defense. Defense is armor.

I also think and believe that the reason why bitcoin is such a great innovation is that it is the ultimate cyber defense, the ultimate cyber armor. Let us consider that the bitcoin work is the ultimate un hack Abel thing on the planet, because there is just too much energy and money invested in it.

Even if you took $100 trillion, you try to take the bitcoin network, you can’t. In regards to the volatility of bitcoin, it is a feature not a bug.  my personal thought is with any asset which has more extreme volatility, has the momentum and the monetary physics and economic physics to fly ever higher?

Or another thought, without extreme highs and lows and dips and swings, it would be impossible for bitcoin to hit $21 million a bitcoin. 


I’m starting to think more more about ethics, this is important. For example, once again it comes down to this notion; “first do no harm unto others” (Primum, no nocere)– Hippocrates.

I think the big issue nowadays is there’s too much of a financial incentive for a lot of of these doctors. Or trying to cover their ass from being made liable or being sued.

For example, the reason why you have all these doctors peddling all these cholesterol lowering drugs is they just want to avoid a lawsuit! For example, let us say you have a 400 pound obese man, who pops into your clinic,  who is certainly an extremely poor health, might get a heart attack soon. What is the first thing you do? Your prescribe him all these pills you tell him the basics of trying to eat healthier and exercise whatever, and ultimately the doctor doesn’t really care… The doctor simply doesn’t want to get sued a year or two later, if the guy ends up having a heart attack, and he was not prescribed these cholesterol lowering drugs.

But, what if you take an extremely healthy 36 year old man, 6 foot tall, highly muscular a six pack,  obviously in supreme health, and you do a blood test and you see that his cholesterol is “high“? Do you tell him to start taking these cholesterol lowering pills, so he doesn’t have a heart attack? Of course not! But this is how doctors will think, once again the issue here is they apply a one pill fits all solution, and honestly… These doctors are tired. Cram 30 appointments a day, quick 15 minute Appointments with each patient, in order to maximize the revenue because they are still paying off medical school debt. I don’t blame them.

Then the solution is for us to become critical ourselves; think for ourselves, to think wisely.

Anybody who swallows traditional knowledge, is a fool. The worst thing is when a doctor tells you to do something, or when somebody changes their behavior or thinks they should change their behavior because the doctor told them to.

The dirty secret; a lot of these doctors themselves are unwell. A lot of them are highly anxious, depressed, out of shape miserable, stressed, they themselves don’t eat healthy or exercise, in fact, I know a lot of doctors who actually smoke cigarettes and secret as well? I’ve also met dentist, pediatricians who actually let their kids eat candy?

Trust no dentist who allows their kids to eat candy.


Obviously we are all fallible human beings at the end of the day. The notion of perfection is ridiculous one, often centered around this Jesus savior Messiah notion of supreme moral rectitude, the supreme court of ethics, the ultimate nice guy who  only eat carbon neutral vegetables and plants grow in his own garden, maybe he doesn’t own a car, and only rides a bike, he is not subscribed to Amazon prime, doesn’t have an iPhone, etc.

Let us not forget, Jesus was a badass. Don’t you remember that scene which she goes into the temple, and he sees all these people selling stuff in the temple, and he busted out some whips, and he overturns the tables,  whips out the kettle saying “don’t sell merchandise inside my father‘s house!”

Can you imagine a modern day human doing the same thing? Probably not.

Pacified ethics.

I think sociologically when think about this critically,  what is the role of society, modern day society and society? To pacify the individual. It would not be very productive if you had a bunch of dragons or monsters, a bunch of gay monsters simply rampaging around town, doing as they pleased, with no concern about the well-being of others.

You see this especially in Tokyo and Asia; the social physics and the human bodies are important here; if you have 10 million people taking the subway every single day, it is probably wise from a social perspective to have everyone be quiet, polite and orderly. If you had a bunch of kids, or American travelers talking super loud, taking up space, etc.… The whole thing will not work. 

America becomes an interesting case, because the truth is America is super super big. Certainly it is more desirable to live in the coastal areas, especially now that the weather patterns in the states in Los Angeles is starting to get super weird; but if you think about farmland in the middle of America, there is still so much space left available!

To all these people who complain about rent prices, don’t you know you could just move to Boise Idaho, probably only spent $300 a month in rent? Certainly people don’t want to do this, because we humans are no fools; we like to be around other people, and we also like to be close to bodies of water. This is where Los Angeles may be the most ultimate place to live– easy access to the beach, to body of water the ocean to mountains, beautiful people etc.

Maybe Manhattan also comes close, but the downside of Manhattan is there is no trails or places to hike.

The Bay Area East Bay is good, but… I don’t think we have any beaches in the Bay Area or the east Bay? Even in Alameda where I grew up… The beach was a dump. Super dirty.

Perhaps it is a good idea to become a social justice warrior

So I think the right tends to make fun of liberals who are social justice warriors. I’m starting to think that perhaps to be a social justice warrior is a virtue, assuming that you’re not a coward hiding behind your iPhone, your laptop etc.

And also, once again the asymmetry here;  you could talk all high and mighty, you could try to punk me around, and let her say that you have a gun, obviously I am no match for you. Because I have zero intention of ever owning a gun or pistol, because guns are for pussies. 

And this is where the right is just as dumb as the far left. You call them “lib-tards” … you are also “flag-tards”– I will assume that the average conservative who waves a flag in their Tacoma truck which is Japanese, probably doesn’t know how to properly fold an American flag, like we did in Boy Scouts.

In fact, there is a funny heuristic I have;  if you stick a flag an American flag sticker on your car, or your truck, or whatever… You are not a true patriot. Why? It is kind of like an overcompensation thing here — kind of like how really short guys drive these really really tall and big trucks.

If you really really wanted to show your patriotism, you don’t post things to Facebook or Twitter or put things on your truck, you just enroll in military service! Simple and done. Well at least do some sort of partial reserve Navy officer training? I’m even thinking about doing this myself.

You are not your car

The number one thing we learned from our best friend Tyler Durden is that you are not your car, and let us also look at Brad Pitt, the apex of manliness and texting us, who tells Edward Norton “I don’t own a car”.

Tell me what you drive and I’ll tell you who you are

I think one of the best ways to really understand somebody, it sounds insanely superficial, but ask them what car they drive. Especially when you meet an economist.

A true economist will drive an economy car, this is why when I first read that Dan Ariel’s purchased and drove an Audi car, the writing was on the wall; he was a fake economist.  a true economist would only drive a Toyota or a Prius, anybody who drives an Audi is trying to seem elegant stylish and smart? Even though that everyone knows that Audis are not good cars. 

Putting your money where your mouth is

This is where money is good; true skin in the game. You only know what you truly value on the planet based on how use money or how you do not use money. 

And it is fine; everyone has the right to use their money however they would like. I think this is good! But, even that one dude who had that blog getting rich slowly, when he wrote that his dream was to purchase a BMW mini car, which is a terrible car – and then he actually purchased it, once again, the man seemed like a fool.

What ideas do you desire to promote?

I suppose the question at hand is in regards to your ideas, what ideas do you want to promote? Which ideas do you not want to promote?

For example, there is no ultimate right and wrong in ethics. It is all gamed.

For example, I would easily sacrifice the life of 1000 degenerates for the sake of one beautiful child. Also, if for some reason a guy was trying to attack me or Seneca whatever, assuming I had a gun, I would have zero hesitation shooting him in the balls and making him a eunuch etc. 

In fact, this seems harsh, but also ethically, let us assume that a man is a child predator, pedophile, convicted and caught, the solution is super simple! Just castrate him! Cut off his balls, or force sterilize him. Boom — easy and done.

How to deal with homeless people?

Currently Culver City is doing a great job with their mobile crisis team, which is essentially a van which provides services to homeless people, to recuperate them back into society. Ultimately, simple things, like providing them some new clothes, helping them get clean off of their addictions, Giving them a shower and a shave, and also giving them training to become productive members of Society again.

Example, something I’m not sure; is there truly a point of no return? I don’t think so… The human mind is far more malleable than we give it credit, so even if you have a cracked out homeless guy, in theory, if you invest in money and time and human resources to rehabilitate him, you could! And just get him a job at Shake shack or McDonald’s flipping burgers, or even a custodian picking up trash etc.

The ideal city?

Seneca Cindy and I watch this really great film at the California science Center, titled cities of the future. The future is right here.  in Culver City, it is very common place to see those self driving Waymo Google cars, without a driver in the front seat! Every time I see this, it is pure magic.

So truth be told, let us assume you live in Culver City, your architect job, or you could work as long as you have Wi-Fi… There is zero reason to actually drive a car, unless you want to go on a hike, see friends and family etc. And also because we are close to the metro line, you could easily go to Santa Monica and the beach and the pier, or you could easily go to the California science center and I suppose the new incoming George Lucas Museum of the narrative arts.

So then, if you think about this critically, a vehicle just becomes a superficial vanity object, a trophy asset.

I think we all know that trophies are ridiculous. The moment I realize that you could actually go to a trophy store, and buy yourself a gold trophy is when I realize the whole thing was a scam.

Even the Academy Awards, all of these Grammy awards… I think these awards are just plated in nickel or some fake gold foil, thing is plastic inside.

True wealth?

Wealth is the health of your family, you and your wife your kids I think Kanye said “A happy family is heaven on earth”. I agree.

And happiness is not based around money, but rather, through health, social life, friendliness, physical health and vigor, and walking around a lot! I’ve never met anybody who walks 40,000 steps a day who is depressed.


Let us consider this critically… Perhaps the reason why running is so heavily marketed through that loser Nike corporation, which tells you that running is good for you or whatever. In order to peddle there loser $300 running shoes. 
The simple way to fix everything is to just walk barefoot. But it is difficult to monetize being barefoot, because you cannot really purchase a product to become barefoot. In fact I met this one entrepreneur in SF, Who had a super interesting idea, which was putting these disposable sticker things on the bottom of your feet, which gave you all the upsides of barefoot walking, while still giving you a little bit of protection from the dirty San Francisco streets.

A much simpler solution is to purchase Vibram five finger shoes; honestly  the only reason people don’t want to wear them is that they look weird. But I’m starting to wonder… Foot shame, foot shaming is a thing? I actually think it is more beautiful to see people walking around barefoot at the beach, then them wearing those loser Hoka shoes or even worse… Brooks shoes, are reserved for prediabetic elderly people.

Even I think about the insidious effects of middle school and high school; trying to be cool you have to purchase a Nike shoe?  I think Nike might be the most evil corporation in terms of lowering the self-esteem of the youth, especially young boys… Do you know that on Amazon prime you could purchase $10 water shoes, instead of a loser $700 Balenciagas sneaker? I’m starting to think more and more… The purpose of fashion is to do functional things, but not to feel ashamed about it. For example all these losers supreme people, They refuse to wear a fanny pack unless it has supreme logo on it? Or they refuse to wear a sun hat which makes you look like an old Asian lady, supreme logo Embedded in it?

Even reformation, the new hot female clothing brand, even they say that the best outfit is being naked, but that they are number two.

Difficult to market people being naked. Maybe also illegal?

Shame in capitalism and consumerism

How do you know whether somebody is self owned or not? Whether they could walk around in public topless, with booty shorts, not concerned about how other people look at them.

The other day I was in Santa Monica Ocean Park, and I saw a dude, great full body tan, muscular, on the phone talking to somebody… Wearing full on booty shorts, pretty much the closest thing you could get to wearing a speedo, with a full body tan, and he looks so glorious and successful! 

Even the more impressive thing… All of his legs, even the upper thighs were also well tanned! To me this was a signal that this guy was super insanely successful; because he has the privilege of just walking around all day, and his booty shorts, getting the full on tan?

How do you know whether somebody is homeless or not?

My friend Sebastian Calvo said; “the reason I know that you’re not homeless is that you’re too buff and muscular”. Typically homeless people are not muscular. Although a lot of them do walk around without clothes on. 

So this is where I’m starting to think, the modern day successful or at least human being, if you’re a man, is centered around being topless in public, and also highly muscular.

Nowadays if you’re super muscular with a six pack… It is a sign that you’re super successful. Why? You have the time the leisure to work out, and also, a signal of intelligence; if you have a six pack, you are no dummy. it is the signal that you have the intelligence of not eating stupid stuff which makes you fat.

And this is where I trust no bodybuilder who is fat, or on steroids… It is super obvious. 

Vote for me!

ERIC KIM for mayor!

True power is political power?

I think the truth of the matter is true power is political power. Why? The politicians have the power to print the money, and assuming that money and economic power is centered ultimately — then who has the park? The guy who controls the (money) printing press, or the guy who stacks his cotton candy paper fiat currency? 

Proof of work

The reason why proof of work makes sense from a physics or a common sense perspective is that proof of work is true. Based on physics. Proof of stake, you can indefinitely print more air tokens, or cotton candy tokens, forever.

For example, if Vitalik, and Ethereum foundation  overnight, decided that it was a good idea to produce more Ethereum gas tokens, 1 billion more, they could.

Even if there’s a .01% risk, or chance for valuable human beings to make that mistake, they can. 

Also, you remember the great Ethereum hack, and they did the hard Fork? Any protocol which could be hacked, is a bad one. Bitcoin and the bitcoin network is unhackable.


The reason why wolverine and Deadpool are everyone’s favorite anti-heroes is that they are both unk kill Abel. They can feel pain but you can’t kill them.

Deadpool, if you just chop off his body into a stump, With enough time he could regenerate his whole body. This is the ultimate superpower.

I suppose even the downside of Superman is that you could have a jealous Batman invent a kryptonite gun, and kill Superman. Superman is flawed.

With Wolverine, can you actually kill wolverine? Maybe not? Because his exoskeleton and his body is made of adamantine,  you can’t?

Is Wolverine the apex hero? 

In fact, besides Spider-Man, in terms of who I desired to emulate or be as a kid was actually wolverine! I love how ferocious he was, strong he was, and the adamantine steel claws notion is super cool to me, wolverine doesn’t use a gun. 

Also, the thing that is insanely impressive with Hugh Jackman; he has aged so incredibly well! If you look at his space, he looks like a fresh 38-year-old, even though he is maybe 56?

It seems certain or highly likely that she took steroids and weird testosterone enhancing drugs when he was playing the wolverine part. But if you look at his face, right now in 2024… Why does his face look so healthy?

Ultimately, you can modify your body through all of these drugs, but you can’t modify the face.

Think by the time you’re 56

My new goal is to be like Hugh Jackman, when I am 56. I’m 34 right now, which means for the next 22 years… Time for me to become even more jacked, more ripped, more healthy and youthful for Hugh Jackman?

Why does Brad Pitt look so old? 

Even compared to Tom Cruise, I think Tom is in his 60s? Besides all the Scientology and maybe the Botox surgery… Tom Cruise still looks great!

I think this is where longevity, the longevity of being a man is critical. Even George Clooney, nobody cares about him anymore.

Having kids

If there was a John Wick spin off, I would love a concept where John Wick has a kid, a son, and he trains his son to become the next John Wick.

This would be great!


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What’s on my mind right now?

Essentially the number one idea is this really revolutionary idea of being able to live a whole day, without ever jumping into a car. Isn’t this true freedom?



Lifestyle, zen, ethics.
