The very weird bias in today’s world; the general idea that black is bad. Typically, with things… we think and see that blacker is worse. 
For example, purity is typically seen as white. But if you think about the yin and yang, technically… the black and the white are equal and one and the same, a co-part of one another. 
For example, man and woman. Technically, there is no real reason why men should be superior to women and vice versa.
Man needs woman, woman needs man.
Even on a very very basic perspective… you modern day fools; don’t you know that in order to beget children, we need both man and woman? 
I think honestly, both sides are at fault here. I think there are some men who think that they could live without women, and just jerk off to their internet porn girlfriends instead, and also similar speaking… women who think that they have no need for men either. And both sides see companionship through a dog? Very weird. 
Anyways, we could just ignore them, because honestly… The Earth and the planet will be fine. Regardless of all these weird anti-trend kids, and pro dog trends… Sooner or later people will wake up, and want to have kids. I think it just happens a lot later.
For example, here in Culver City… It seems like the average age of a new father looks like mid 50s? And for women… Late 30s or maybe early 40s?
It’s really really bizarre to me because whenever I see new fathers, kids who are younger than Seneca, maybe the kid is two years old or one years old… The dad looks like he has maybe 55 or 56? Super weird.
Anyways, what this means is don’t hate or spite anybody or any side. 
Even Democrats and Republicans… If you think about the unit and Yang theory, let us say that we took the Yang and Yang, and we just made it red and blue instead… Don’t we know that we are one in the same? You cannot have an American flag without the red, nor the blue. You need both.
It looks like the Republicans have taken red as their color motto, Donald Trump is always wearing a red neck tie. And the Democrats have taken the blue. But once again… The red white and blue flag is all united. 
What if we started thinking that we were in fact the same thing?
I think this is a pretty radical idea. The idea that we are just the same, just different sides of the same coin. 
Even the notion of masculine vs feminine… maybe this is not a really good idea. 
For example, I think every man has a little bit of feminine in him, and every woman has a little bit of masculine in her.
For example, even when I was in high school, the guy who had the best dance moves would often do the more “feminine“ dance moves like the booty bump, backing it up etc. And also, the guys were the most stylish wore pink; the pink polo and the Louis Vuitton backpack, like Kanye West. 
And also, it is very sexy when a woman is very strong, and could deadlift over two plates. Even Cindy‘s record for deadlift is 265 pounds. 
And now, Seneca‘s favorite color is pink, and I love pink too! Even in my wardrobe, this random cable knit brooks brothers pink sweater that I got, from a free pile of clothes, is the article of clothing I get the most compliments on! And also this really cool matte pink bomber jacket, from this Korean American brand ”IISE” (this means second generation in Korean)– I also got for free.
Anyways, it’s kind of weird how there is a bifurcation between men and woman, woman and man.
For example… Even if you are a gay woman, Or lesbian or something, who wants to have kids… Obviously biologically you need to get a male sperm donor. I don’t think it is possible to take the DNA straight out of another woman, and injected into the uterus of another woman, to beget a child. I don’t think…?
And also there is this weird thing for men to desire not to have children? That they want to just keep ejaculating in or on beautiful women, indefinitely, forever? 
But once again, you fools… Don’t you know that the purpose is to have kids? Ideally strong sons, to carry on you?
How to raise a child
Something that I am having so much fun with is raising Seneca. All things considered, I consider it my crowning glory. I value Seneca his life and the way I’m raising him and the time spent to him as 1 trillion times more important than anything else I have done in my life.
Anyways, I think each and every philosopher should have children, because first and foremost, if you have a strong opinion on how the world should be, it is very simple… You just instill these values into your kids! 
Also, philosophically, if you’re curious about how kids learn, human nature or whatever… Certainly the easiest way to learn this is through your kids!
Do you have a bunch of these constipated methamphetamine addicted to French philosophers who have all these high and mighty theories about human nature, but I think most of them didn’t have kids?
I find this really bizarre, how can you have an opinion on how humans exist, without having your own child?
I think perhaps my theory is most philosopher men simply couldn’t spit enough game, to get a beautiful woman or wife! Even Nietzsche, I think he was madly in love with this one woman, who rejected him many times, there’s even funny stories  that a lot of women would actually be frightened by Nietzsche and his imposing mustache.
Also in today’s world, I see zero reason for men to have facial hair or mustaches or beards or whatever. Honestly I think the only reason that men grow facial hair or beards is to make themselves look uglier, to make themselves look more ironic, or to hide Their ugliness, their double chin, etc. 
I even see this, dude sitting in their brand new Porsche cars, and I pure into them, and then they are very very skinny fat, they look lean, but if you look at them closely, you see their little belly fat bulging out?
Also, other skinny fat dudes with the little iconic Hitler mustache, if you look at them really closely, they too also have a double chin? 
Double chins are bad. Excess body fat adipose tissue is bad. 
Never judge somebody until you have seen them butt naked.
It is my personal believe that humans are the most beautiful when they are in the nude, naked without clothes. Also think that is possible for a beautiful men to be in the nude, that is not pornographic, not even erotic… kind of like when you see the Venus de Milo nude Greek art stattues. Nobody looks at a marble statue of a Greek woman and gets a boner. 
Why this matters
Let us say that we are all black and white photographers;  then the funny thought… we don’t call it black on black photographer — we call it black and white.
That is why when it comes to tragedy, we also need comedy! And sort of concept which is all misery no comedy… Is bad. This is where I love the Lego Batman movie; it is insanely humorous, for what we consider a dark gloomy figure!
And also… I think the greatest films also do have a touch of comedy. I think this is where Robert Downey Jr. was such a great Iron Man character… Certainly Robert Downey Jr. has his inner demons, he makes it lighthearted with humor!
Maybe this is where Disney is bad; when you “Disney-fy” something, it becomes too generic, and maybe even family oriented?
Also, something I’ve discovered… when something is “family friendly“, it is typically boring, and actually not that family friendly.  Even Seneca, at the age of three years four months old, has more fun talking to adults and Apple security guards rather than other basic kids his age, a little younger than him or a little older than him?
Certainly everyone has the right to raise their child however they want, but man… These modern day kids are made so basic by their parents. They all watch the same generic stuff on YouTube, Disney+, they like the same superheroes, think alike, talk alike, they are also boring.
And also, these kids are so wimpy! The other day I saw a kid, who I haven’t seen in about six months, and the kid is tiny! I think the mom is maybe vegetarian or vegan and the kid doesn’t eat any meat? Seneca looks at least four times buffer than the other kid, and about a head taller. 
Should we compare?
I remember as a kid, the thing I hated the most was when my parents would compare me to my cousin, or to other kids in the random Korean newspaper, comparing my grades with other kids, etc. I always had the American notion “Don’t compare me with other kids! Just judge me for myself!”
I think this is wise. Certainly there will always be some sociological biases,  in which we in advertently do compare ourselves and our kids with other kids and families etc. That being said, I think we can still try to make a conscious effort to try to curb it a bit.
If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say it
Similarly speaking… Maybe the corollary exists, which is don’t sing the praises of other kids either?
What that then means is to just ignore other kids? To just raise your kid however you personally see fit? 
Because let us critically consider this… all of this is bad:
- Comparing your kids to other kids, whether they are better or worse
- Hating or critiquing other kids
- Praising or saying good things about other kids
My simply idea is just keep your mouth shut, smile and nod, be friendly, engage and entertain other kids and play with them. Certainly acknowledge them and smile at them!
But beyond this… Don’t say evil, see evil, and be evil.
Because when you brag, while comparing your superiority or the superior of your kid versus other kids, what you are doing is actually debasing them. 
For example, if you could lift over 10 plates, are you going to brag about how you are so much stronger than the guy who could only lift two plates? No! They’re not even on your radar. 
Perhaps nobody is on your radar? Nobody is on equal footing?
Why weigh yourself in comparison to others? 
Something I stopped doing about 7-8 years ago was weighing myself on a scale. Why? Many reasons.
First, to weigh yourself is a very arbitrary measure of anything.  it doesn’t tell you anything. No scale, irregardless of how expensive or advanced it is accurately break down your muscle percentage versus your body fat percentage. Even those modern inventions where you could grip the handles or you can stand on the barefoot… None of these things work.
The only really empirical thing to see is look at the mirror, and pinch your belly fat. Even Arnold said it well; “if it jiggles, it is fat”.-
Or a better measure or not for men:
Do you have a six pack or not? 
To get a six pack of super simple; you don’t even have to do crunches or whatever. The simple thing is intermittent fasting, no breakfast no lunch, only one massive dinner a day. 100% carnivore diet. The only non-meat item to eat is maybe arugula or kale.
- Quit alcohol, all alcohol is bad for you, even the “good alcohol“, “reservatrol” is a scam — I did a deep dive on this and essentially, all this fake ass studies on red wine being good for you is funded by alcohol and wine corporations, or other insidious corporations trying to peddle “reservatrol” pills.
- Quit smoking weed. It makes you fat lazy and dumb. And also it gives you the munchies, which will mean that after smoking weed, very easy to order McDonald’s when you’re high, and eat everything, all that high fructose corn syrup.
- Don’t eat out. Besides maybe Fogo de Chão and all you can eat Korean barbecue, everything sneakily has sugar added to it. Even something I’ve discovered is a lot of Korean restaurants, even a lot of all you can eat Korean barbecue places add corn syrup or sugar to the kimchi?
- Create a new culture: no cake, no desserts, no birthday cake. If you want a birthday present, tell people to just buy you meat instead.
Go opposite
I’m starting to think… The next time I need to upgrade my iPhone, I’ll just get a white iPhone. Why? First, less prone to overheating, especially in the strong Los Angeles sun. And also, The big issue here is it seems that everyone is just going for the all black look. And it is pretty boring for the most part.
All white everything is a better flex; go to the wedding with an all white suit, white shoes, white pants. And even if it gets dirty, no big deal! You’re rich enough.
Car aesthetics?
Why have I not yet seen all white Porsche 911, with all white solid rims? 
Bring back the solid white rims! Also the upside, better contrast against the black tires.
How and why colors matter
Your color preferences signal and show who you are.
Also, pragmatic one; then if you’re living in Los Angeles and it hits the mid 90s, or the hundreds, do you want an all black car, even if it is fully tinted? No! I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy.
There’s a reason why if you live in Southern California to have an all white house makes sense; to keep out the heat! 
Or, if you’re in the middle of the Sahara desert, the reason why it makes sense to wear white linen clothes, to reflect the heat!
Ultimately, when shit hits the fan, the pragmatics will supersede the style and the fashion. 
When it is hot, just wear white. 
This is also the reason why the French colonists would wear all white linen clothing and suits.
Where did the notion of all white tennis shoes come from?
I wonder if it is a material thing; back in the days when you play tennis on the courts, maybe if you had dark shoes or sneakers, it would leave a mark on the courts? White was less likely to leave marks? Still… Thinking about my all white K SWISS tennis shoes back in high school, size 10 and a half.
White people, black cars?
In America, it seems that if one wants to reach the apex of privilege, one must be “white“. But the problems here:
First, the hierarchy issue with race. I think when people talk about white people didn’t mean to say white protestant Anglo-Saxon Caucasian. For example, if you’re Irish, or if you have a “Mc” in your last name, don’t forget that Irish was not considered white for a very long time. Even now.
 For example, Russian people are not considered white, or people from the Slavic regions. Polish people are not seen as white, people from Ukraine are not seen as white, even though they are “white passing“. Jewish people are not white — as long as Jewish people have to keep changing their last names, and as long as there are internals… Unfortunately, Jewish, anti-Semitism… Almost as bad as black racism. But not as bad because in Hollywood and media, because a lot of eastern European Jewish Ashkenazi folks are “white passing“– like John Stewart and the like they are mostly off of the radar of the typical person. Same thing with Scarlett Johansson, etc.
Racial politics
All human beings, irregardless of their ethnicity or race, look far more beautiful and healthy with a tan, rather than being pale and emaciated looking. I think this is where class privilege was a thing. In Korea,  whiteness was equated with royalty, because if you were royalty, you did not have to go into the fields until the land. You could be indoors, or in the shade all day.
But now, opposite holds true. If you have the privilege of having a full body tan, an upper thigh tan, it is a signal that you are rich enough to spend all day at the beach! Typically beach bums or surfer bros are actually quite affluent. Either their family comes from money, so they have a trust fund or something, or they are rich and successful and retired enough to just go surfing all day. This is why whenever I meet men with a beautiful body full body tan, I know that they’re successful. Because if you’re a construction worker or something, you might just have a Farmer’s tan or something?
Blacken and tan your skin not your car 
Rather than doing a loser mat black murdered outlook on your car, just get a full body tan!
Spend maximum time in the sun, Put on tons of sun spray, contain your body to the maximum, within common sense limits. For example, even if you had SPF 300 sun spray, it would probably not be very effective if you were butt naked all day in the Sahara desert.
Opposites are the same
You know the idea that opposites attract? Very true!
I think regardless of what people say… We are not attracted to people like us. Also from a pragmatic perspective, if you end up marrying somebody who is so similar to you… There is no dynamic range or diversity here. 
For example, I would have zero interest in marrying anybody or having a kid with anybody who was exactly like me, in personality scope and appearance.
I’m all for LGBTQ rights, but one thing that I am very grateful is that I was born super straight. I feel bad for all these kids who end up growing up deal so confused about their sexual preferences or whatever.
For my perspective, I think biologically, it makes sense that some people are born gay lesbian, queer or whatever. There seems to be enough genetic diversity here, whether you are bisexual, whatever.
I think then the secret and the goal is to discover what you are, and to not be ashamed of it. For example, if you’re a man and you’re attracted sexually to other men, vice versa etc., all good! Same goes with women etc. 
And whatever your gender whatever, all good.
Be proud of what you are, don’t hide or feel bad about it. But I think the nuance is we should not become tyrants here. 
- Be the first techie who buys an all silver MacBook Pro, or be that next person who actually buys an iPhone Pro in white. Or the natural titanium color.
- Don’t be another clone and loser driving an all black range rover, murdered out, whatever. Don’t be another clone with an all black Dodge charger, super boring. I find it more interesting to see guys with white muscle cars, rather than a typical black one. Why have I never seen an all white dodge hellcat?
- Get a tan! Just put on some SPF 60 sunblock, take off your shirt and get your tan on! If you’re a woman, sports bra bikini whatever.
- Formal attire, wear as much wide as possible. Buy some skinny white denim jeans. Just get some cheap ones at Old Navy, Zara, H&M, or Uniqlo. And also the goal is to not hide dirt; it is cooler to wear all white, and have it dirty, rather than being an insecure person who thinks everyone is looking at the stain on your clothes, but nobody notices.
Dirtier is better?
More joyful to see a kid who is all dirty from playing in the sand rather than one of these Netflix YouTube zombie kids, super puny and eating Cheerios.
iPad is not the issue
iPad tablets, cheap Amazon tablets are not the issue here. The issue is the media; the issue is Netflix, YouTube, YouTube kids, Disney+ etc.
My personal suggestion is I think an iPad is good for kids, in terms of creativity. The nuance is never download any free apps. There is always some sort of gotcha somewhere.
Give them procreate, nomad sculpt, GarageBand. These are virtuous applications.
My suggestion is avoid Minecraft, it seems really good, but it is almost too good. Maybe better to buy play dough instead.