What are we not permitted to do in today’s world? To strike. 
I’ll give you some examples:

The right to strike first?

First, everything is about defense, self-defense etc. For example… You can never strike first, or hit first.

For example, in Star Wars… The whole issue with Han Solo was,

Are you allowed to shoot first?

So for example… Let us say that if you think about the art of war, Machiavelli’s ethics – according to them… Striking first can be virtuous, and the smart strategy… If you knew with 100% foresight that if you waited too long, the other person would shoot you. 

For example, let us think about the ethics of guns and gun defense. Let us say that once again, you knew with 100% certainty that in 30 seconds, the guy would pop out a pistol and shoot and kill you. And let us assume that you also have a pistol Concealed… And you have an option to shoot and kill or maim him first…  or at least shoot him in the balls. Before he kills you.

Now the issue here is when you are in such a high adrenaline situation… Human actors we are not rational. And this is where you hear all the stories of these people first shooting an African-American kid, who just had a Coca-Cola can in his pocket or whatever.

Guns are for pussies

Now, some issues:  

First, anybody who owns a gun, a “self-defense” weapon… Truth be told, I think they are secretly itching to use it. They’re almost looking for a reason to use it.

I’ll give example… Let us see that you are the police, and you live in Irvine California. Come on… You’re just looking for a reason to use all of your high-powered weaponry.

I’ll give you another ridiculous example… A few weeks ago, I was in Santa Monica… And I saw this maybe 16-year-old Latino kid was sagging pants, running away from about a highly muscular 6 foot two police officer, and after they tackled the kid, handcuff him, there’s about five or six police SUVs that pull up?

I suppose in Santa Monica… It is not very dangerous. I’m not sure if this kid pickpocketed somebody, or did something… But, the response was very overcompensation, unnecessarily heavy-handed.

When in doubt, don’t be a coward

OK… Some unorthodox ethics.

First, I think there needs to be engaged thing. Like for example if the kids are young teenagers, or obviously maybe sub 21 years old… You give them a free pass.

I think the issue is it looks like the man is in his 30s or 40s… This is where you give them no mercy?

I think men do not understand is that no death of their child is ever justified… Even if the child was in the wrong.

I think the issue is with pistols, firearms, and 9 mm guns, Glocks, whatever…  there is an asymmetry. For example you could be a 99 pound skinny fat loser, with even a basic pistol, and immediately killed somebody who is 6 foot two and looks like Thor. Assuming that the other guy doesn’t have a gun.

And I suppose the difficult ethics here is it is kind of impossible to ascertain whether someone else has a gun or not.

Now some issues:

First, there are some people who have guns, some people who do not have guns. How do you know? 

First, think about the neighborhood. If you’re driving through Compton, Watts, Inglewood, South Central LA… Assume that everyone has a gun. However, if you are in Beverly Hills, Brentwood or even Culver City… Assume that nobody has a gun.

At least in America, typically rich people do not really carry guns or self-defense weapons. I find that from a sociological perspective, gun owners tend to be from lower class, middle America, strange people in the Midwest, who “homestead”, listen to Fox News, and too much Donald Trump rhetoric. Typically liberals, left-leaning people, rich people… Don’t even think about guns? I suppose the nuances if you are rich “white-sican” in Mexico City driving the convertible Lamborghini… They probably have a self-defense gun.

Other countries

I suppose the upside of a Japan or South Korea is that nobody has guns, I think even knives are rare.

The upside is whenever you watch these South Korean or maybe even Japanese yakuza movies… Typically they don’t have guns, but samurai blades and swords, sashimi blades etc. 

I would actually prefer a world in which we assumed with 100% certainty that nobody had any guns, knives, and weapons, and if you ever gone to an argument with somebody, it would come down to like a UFC, MMA, boxing style thing…

You solve it, with your fists, your legs, your naked body.

Why did the ancient Greeks wrestle naked?

Theory… Maybe it was all about confirming that the other person did not have a weapon on them?

Assuming no weapons

Once again… I think that ethical thing here is–

Weapons are unethical because they give you an asymmetric advantage, whereas defense or armor is virtuous.

 For example, don’t be a pussy and try to get yourself a gun. My better suggestion is if you really are concerned about your life… Buy a bulletproof vest or Kevlar equipment instead.

60 pound weight vest as a modern day body armor? 

I think one of the great things I am very proud about my 60 pound weight vest, is that certainly at least in a fistfight… I will win. If somebody tries to punch me in the chest, it will likely shatter their hand. 

Also… It might repel, or at least reduce the impact, if somebody shot me with a gun, assuming that the bullet did not go through the in-between areas?

Bulletproof car? 

Funny enough, if you were a drug dealer or you lived in a very dangerous neighborhood or whatever, funny enough it seems that cyber truck might be your best bet. It might be the only mainstream bulletproof armored vehicle?

I mean the real optimal strategy is just don’t live in a dangerous area. But then again at the same time, you don’t want to live in Irvine California. The castrated society. 

What is it that we seek? 

I think we men… Perhaps what we men desire is to become a champion, some sort of hero. 

But wouldn’t it be a better idea that you become a hero, just with your fists, and your body? And your legs?

Think American football 

I’ve met a lot of people who play American football, or played American football, and 0% of the time they ever think or wonder whether I played or not. I think it is just a low-key racism… We assume that Asian guys are weak and effeminate, and we never see Asian American guys in the NFL, and as a consequence… we think of Asian guys as the weaker race.

Backhanded compliments

Whenever somebody calls me Bruce Lee, I appreciate it and take the compliment, but the same time, I get a bit annoyed… Because truth be told, I don’t really care for Bruce Lee at all. I didn’t grow up to Bruce Lee movies, I grew up to Arnold Schwarzenegger! I grew up to Terminator, Rocky, Rambo etc.

The problem with Bruce Lee was he was too skinny, not enough muscle. And it seems that Bruce Lee… he was more of a magician, witchcraft and voodoo.

My critique about martial arts, karate, stuff like that is if he comes almost like a secret weapon, some sort of strange mistresses, rather than raw, pure power, pure muscle.

What do you want to look like?

For me… I would prefer to look like Arnold in his prime. Yet, he was on steroids and openly admits it.

Therefore, the biggest issue we have been is here or all these guys on steroids, propagating a false vision of reality, and you have all these young impressionable teenagers, striving to become like Arnold?

Becoming yourself?

I think the strange thought is we are always taught that to become someone else’s virtuous, and to become yourself is viceful or a sin?

For example, we are always told to become like Jesus… But why is Ever says that you should become yourself? We are taught that being evil, bad,, but don’t realize that Jesus was a bad ass… And often aggressive, like when he busted out the whips, and whipped out the oxen from the Jewish temple, and said out loud “ do not sell wares inside my father home!”

Thinking of Jesus as a flesh bound human being

Pontius Pilate was a real historical figure, and Jesus of Nazareth also was. I told you with 100%  certainty that in fact, Jesus was a real human being, a real man, 100% real… A real flesh bound, physics space, biological human being man… That is assume that all the stories in his miracles were metaphors. In fact, the good thing about being Roman Catholic is that we believe in metaphor, not literals– this is where the protestants and “sola scriptura” get it wrong.

Even Catholics, we think of God as more of a metaphorical figure. Not a literal one.

We also look at the miracles of Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Almost from a more secular perspective. Also con substantiation, Eucharist, tribute told everyone knows it is a bit of a metaphor. I don’t think anyone really really really 100% think that when the priest rings the bell, and puts his hands over the unleavened bread, that is actually really does literally and physically become the flesh of Jesus Christ. Any stories about the Eucharist turning into blood, do not trust people without sound judgment.

Anyways, I think Jesus Christ is an interesting individual because his morals and ethics were so radical and revolutionary at the time — to turn the other cheek  a bit of a nonsense.   But my suspicion; if we think about Jesus like Gondi or whatever… How much of Jesus is teaching were based on the fact that he did not have an army that could overtake the Roman Empire, if we magically gave Jesus 1000,000 centurions, would he have behaved or acted differently?

The crucifixion of Jesus 

The reason why it is not good to watch any Disney movies, or Marvel movies, Batman or Superman, or the like is most of these stories and concepts, alter ego etc.… Either come from Stan Lee, or other guys who were either raised Jewish American, protestant, Christian, certainly American… Which has strange notions of a savior complex.

For example even the movie at this, saying that you are “the special”– if you think about all traditional movies in America they are all seeking a Jesus figure, like Neo from the matrix, etc. And let us not forget that Warner brothers discovery which owns all the intellectual property of the matrix and beyond,  they just keep rehashing the same concept, ad Infinitum.


I think humans, we have a difficult time dealing with complexity, we want simple straightforward answers. Poison example, if you’re Christian in America, the goal is to be like Jesus. But why would you be like Jesus and you own a gun?  Would Jesus have owned a gun? No! He didn’t even have armor!

Americans don’t really care about guns 

I’ll give you an example… John Wick. Everyone universally likes John Wick, even women, even people who are anti-guns. Even I love John Wick!

Yet, in real life,  I am very anti-gun. Not out of any sort of virtue signaling, but rather, I just really think it is the cowardly, weakling, pussy strategy. I really think that the true manly thing to do is once again, fist fights. Not even knives, or having a nail file.

Maybe this is where boxing, Wrestling, or MMA, the UFC is virtuous.? Even American football? Or rugby? But once again… The reason why I advise against any sort of high school or collegiate sports is that there will be at least one or two guys on steroids, without anyone knowing it. or they having low-key steroids, which is “cortisol shots “, to “heal” “injuries” . Anabolic steroids, are often prescribed to heal an injury, and this is how they are fake Weaponized.

assume everyone else is on steroids?

Your favorite CrossFitter, your favorite  calisthenics guy, your favorite water polo player, whatever. Assume that 100% of people are on steroids, whether real or fake steroids.

I think I figured it out… The whole issue is about records, world records, or personal records. If there is a drive to shatter records,  there will eventually be some sort of steroid or fake steroid use. Because biologically, if you want somebody to deadlift 2000 pounds or whatever,  I doubt it is physically possible, unless you inject your asshole with all the steroids on the planet.

So whenever you’re walking around you see a dude who is much buffer than you, assume that he is just on steroids. And as a consequence you don’t really complain about it or feel bad about it… If they want to become impotent and not have kids and have their balls become marshmallows, so be it.

“Balls,,, fuck em,,, who needs them anyways”?

So I think the critical issue here is once again… Everyone is about show, performance, the real world etc.

However, if we think about Achilles and the like…  it wasn’t about competition that they sought, simply, revenge. 

Assume that everyone is lying? 

A simple way not to get scammed in Los Angeles: assume that everyone is lying and bullshitting. Because you might be  right, 1 out of 99 times, and it might save your life? 

So also I thought about life… To play defense — is to be maximally critical and suspicious of everybody. But obviously do it in the spirit of Jesus! 

As long as you are employed, you are not permitted to really speak your mind. 

Trust nobody who is employed, doesn’t matter if they are employed by YouTube, Apple Amazon Facebook etc.… As long as they are not self owned, a sole proprietor, or independently wealthy… They cannot really speak their mind. 

Also, the reason you should not trust people on YouTube is that as long as they get advertising revenue from the videos, they also cannot really speak their minds.


So I’m starting to think… Rather than thinking about goals, life goals etc.… Perhaps a better way to approach life is to think about your life like a telos, a certain purpose life direction etc. 

For example… It was my life goal to atlas lift 1000 pounds. But now that I achieved it and hit it, then… Now, I no longer have a drive to do this anymore?

And also truth be told, I’m a type of person that I want to please everybody. I think I get it from my mom.

But anyways, trying to please other people, or to live a life in which you never offend anybody… Not possible. Especially if you want to be successful.

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  1. How to Become More Stealth in Street Photography
  3. Street Photography Mastery
  4. How I Became the Greatest Street Photographer Alive
  5. Antifragile Photography
  6. How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography
  8. 5 Simple Street Photography Techniques
  10. The Street Photographer Ideal
  11. 50 Street Photography Tips, Techniques and Ideas
  12. Street Photography Values
  14. Why Street Photography is So Great
  16. Society Photography, Not “Street” Photography
  17. How to Street Photography
  19. 10 Street Photography Tips
  20. The Street Photographer as the Apex Photographer
  21. Street Photography & Adrenaline
  23. 50 Street Photography Tips by ERIC KIM
  24. What I Wish I Knew If I Started Street Photography All Over Again
  25. Photograph like it’s not a big deal
  26. Suburb Street Photography
  27. What is Our Personal Motivation Behind Street Photography?
  29. Personal Street Photography
  31. Pandemic Street Photography
  33. How to Shoot Street Photography Right Now
  34. Towards a More Independent Street Photography Approach
  35. How Street Photography Improves Your Life
  36. How to Tell Stories in Your Street Photos
  37. Face Street Photography
  38. How to Start Shooting Street Photography
  39. How to Shoot Street Photography During a Pandemic
  40. 7 Street Photography Assignment Ideas


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  1. How to Shoot Street Photography with Dads and Kids
  3. Use Quarantine as an Opportunity to Pick up Film Photography
  4. Hong Kong Street Photography by ERIC KIM

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The Tactics Of Everyday Life 

So ever since I was 16 years old, 18 years old, in college etc.… And beyond, I’ve always been really fascinated about this notion of “lifestyle”– to me it is a pragmatic thing, a combination of pragmatics; being self-employed, being your own boss– funny enough, the notion of “entrepreneur”, wasn’t really even mainstream yet… 

What was my goals as a kid? 

Funny enough I still remember this notion of not wanting to “work for the man” ever since I was a highschooler, and the dream was… To get a high paying job like being a doctor lawyer, and this grand vision and making $100 an hour, just working for a few hours and then just chilling for the rest of the time.

It was quite formative to me, just make a bunch of money for the sake of making a bunch of money was never the goal. And also the desire to purchase property or home or whatever it was also not a virtue or concept instilled on me growing up. We always rented our whole lives… And on average we moved every one to two years, and therefore a consequence, the notion of warning a house wasn’t even a concept.

Also, still in high school, my sense of self pride was strong. I was so insanely proud, 1 million X proud that I was maybe the only person in my whole high school, or anyone I knew… Who actually worked hard for his own money, and bought his own first car! at the age of 15… I think paying $1000 or $1200 for my first car… A very sturdy and reliable 1991 Nissan Sentra SE — a four-door sedan car, five speed manual transmission. Pretty low miles, maybe $100,000 or so? Getting it from Kevin, one of my mom‘s clients at her old sushi restaurant, who was an autumn mechanic in Oakland. 

Anyways I had so much extreme pride to myself in my car. For a kid, the pride and joy of earning your own money and buying the thing you desire, was by far the most valuable thing. Not only that, but the pride that my car was a manual transmission… A five speed, and I had the ability to learn how to drive stick shift myself. Good memories of learning how to drive stick from my uncle Enzo, in the old Navy base in Alameda.

Anyways, I think maybe the problem in today’s world is we lack pride, self pride? And we tend to metric Kate our valor and self-worth via numbers, through 12 education to college and beyond.

For example, in school it is all about the grades, then your GPA, then your test scores, then the rank of your university, then the prestige of your job, then your salary, ones and zeros etc.

And then… When you become an adult, older maybe with kids or whatever, then becomes about your home price. Whether your house is worth 3.1 or $3.2 million, friends and family and random guests who check the proper value of your home on Zillow after the fact, rather than asking you directly.

Anyways, the reason why metrics are a poor measure of oneself is that if you are an 800 pound obese man, you cannot walk, but you are a trillionaire… And you own all the Rolls-Royce and Ferraris on the planet does that make you virtuous? I say no.


Things to be desired

Also, as a man… What is it that we desire?

For example, I think one of the critical issues here is that men, it looks like there is something I call the Shorty guy syndrome – that Shorty guys will always feel inept, inferior… Because obviously you’re standing and valor is based on your height.

The reason why this is not fair is that it is mostly genetic, and maybe what you were fed as a kid.

For example… My insane gratitude that I was born in America, and raised on eating nothing but meat, Galbi Korean short ribs, and rice. I didn’t eat a single vegetable until I went to college.

As a consequence, I became very very tall, I’m around 5 foot 11… And I think I’m 182 cm tall.

Apparently in America, the average height of a man is only 5 foot seven, 5 foot eight? Even most of the famous actors and celebrities see on television, even Mark Wahlberg I think is only 5‘7“ tall? 

As a consequence, a lot of these Shorty guys end up taking steroids are doing weird stuff to increase the size of their muscles, their biceps, the width of their body, because this is something that could actually be changed with steroids, lifting weights etc. However, you’ve been if you take all the steroids on the planet, and even if you’re a trillionaire, you cannot magically become 5 foot 7 to 6 foot 2.

Even something very shocking… I ChatGPT the height of Donald Trump, and I think he is 6 foot two? 

The reason why I think it is important and critical to search the height of men, whether politicians, fitness celebrities, influencers whatever… Is that whether you like it or not, the tall guys will end up typically have more self-confidence, whereas the short guys will always feel inferior somehow.

Fortunately for myself… I’ve never been insecure about my height. I always knew that I was tall, obviously there were guys were taller than me… But I know that I was still in the “tall” category. And in high school in college… I certainly knew the guys who were short, or on the shorter end.

the Virtues of walking 

I think Plato once said, it is impossible for there to be a beautiful small or short woman. She is very very small and short.

I think there is a genetic biased that we will always prefer taller individuals. In fact, why is it that all the super models are about 5 foot 10 and beyond? Because tallness is a virtue that we all desire!

And also apparently it is pretty common for there to be successful rich Shorty guys who want to marry 6 foot tall supermodels, because they desire their next generation of children to be a lot taller than them. Strategy. As a consequence, the optimization for men is to become maximally rich and successful, and attract the most beautiful tallest babe, and have Beautiful children with them.

Men, older men without any kids are uninteresting. 

George Clooney is a loser, nobody cares about him anymore.

I think the big issue here is that a lot of people, who watched too much media, movies TV shows whatever… End up getting these strange new virtues or desired outcomes.

For example, there is a strange notion of being the most interesting man alive, but, all you do is drink whiskey and hard liquor, brought out your beard, and have sex with beautiful younger babes?

Let us be frank ,,, any man, who is on his deathbed at the age of 90, no children no legacy no nothing… We always end up regretting it.

You cannot end up leaving your Bitcoins to your dog 

Let it say that you die, with your 20 bitcoin or so… Can you leave it behind to your dog? Obviously not.

Even the notion of creating your own charitable foundation seems a little bit superficial… I would put trust in any random administrative person to figure out how to allocate funds, seems that 80% of the funds of a foundation  it’s just staff overhead… Paying the staff in office space of these administrators, who just click around and push around paper.

So a very simple thought for us men… Have at least one kid before you die. It could be a girl or a boy, just not a dog.

Are you allowed to be anti-dogs?

In two days insanely degenerate world, is it possible for you to be anti-dogs?

I will make the argument that dogs are 10,000 hundred thousand times worse for the planet and the “carbon footprint“, than any child. 

First, there is a chance that your kid can be the one who invented the amazing machine which they really fixes all the climate issues on the planet. Imagine Elon Musk but on steroids. 

Second, it is common for dogs to poop in public, even if the dog owners are quite vigilant. You’ll never see a grown child poop in public, even on the public sidewalk.

Strange purchasing behaviors

Let us also consider that dogs, you had to buy all the strange dog products for dogs and pets and animals, whereas for children they could just eat adult food.

Better to get sick than to die

One of the critical issues here is that maybe 99.9% of fatalities, which could be prevented to a certain degree is based on driving. Whether somebody hits you and you die, or whether you hit somebody somebody else and you kill somebody, etc.

As a consequence, perhaps you don’t want to die, minimum lifestyle is the supreme lifestyle.

Sometimes people make the other decision of thinking about purchasing a “safe” car, to offset the chance of dying in a car accident. But the strategy is not a good one because rather than buying safety, the more intelligent strategy is just not jump into the car at the first time! 

Why do we try to purchase decisions?

Another foolish thing… We tend to try to buy solutions to our problems. This is the American way. 

But I suppose a greater thing to consider… Is it possible for there to be a global economy which is not dependent on purchasing, advertising and marketing? Possibly —

Don’t think global

The reason why thinking about global, macro economics is not useful is that honestly, even if you became dictator the planet, and you had $100 trillion, whatever… It would be impossible for you to change the current global capitalistic market. Even if you had 100,000,000,000,000 times $100 trillion… You couldn’t do it.

This is where I advocate the simple local approach; change every day behaviors and tactics, rather than trying to change the planet.

 The planet does not need your saving 

A very interesting Taoist thought– to somehow think that the poor planet needs your help is a bit arrogant. The planet will be fine.

I think people who don’t go to church, don’t believe in God, don’t have a religion or whatever… they need some sort of new godhead, something to fasten their world beliefs to, etc. 

But what if I told you… With 100% certainty… That within 30 years there will be somebody who invented an ultra amazing magic machine which magically saves the planet forever? If that were the case… What would be the new direction of your life?

What If You’re Already Rich Enough? 

Or better yet… as Seneca the younger said… what if you are already too rich? 


Ever since the time of King Aggamenon, ancient Greeks, even the time of Seneca the younger, men would always lust for more gain. For example, we would want more kettle, more heads of oxen, more sheep, more goats, more tripods of gold, more girls to take as trophies and prizes, more slaves, more weapons armors and spoils of war.


First, I think it is human nature. Certainly if the ancient Greeks and Romans were facing with it… Maybe even the ancient Egyptians… Think about the pharaohs and king Ramses’s etc.… Certainly there is something in our blood or DNA which dictates this;

Enough is never enough.

However my funny thought:

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! 

Why? If we easily got satisfied to easily… We would all still probably be in a cave, munching on acorns. No photography, no Internet, no digital photography, no iPad pros, no bitcoin etc.

For any strange individual who does not think that global capitalism has benefited most people, can you imagine just spending a week without running water, electricity, air conditioning and heating, or even a fan, Wi-Fi, or having a washing machine and dryer? 

Reaping the upside, snipping the downside

I think in life, money wealth stuff tools equipment etc. have been one of the greatest booms to humanity. However with greater upsides also comes greater downsides.

For example, Elon Musk… Probably the most powerful man on the planet, but … He probably has $1 trillion worth of problems stressors and angst anxiety on his mind.  for example, if you just read Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson… You could see how you do not want to be Elon Musk; all of his troubles anxieties, him waking up randomly in the middle of the night throwing up blood etc. And also, poor lifestyle choices… Parting all night, drinking alcohol, drinking Red Bulls, not good.

In fact, I don’t really trust anybody who drinks alcohol, smokes weed, drinks Red Bull, drinks Coca-Cola or Diet Coke or Coke zero, consumes protein powder or creatine, takes any dietary supplements,  watches television or any streaming platforms, plays video games — pretty much nobody. And certainly nobody who has an Instagram account.

I think the critical issue here is that it is already difficult enough to understand yourself, and you know yourself with 100% precision. It is impossible to lie to yourself, because you have a true memory of everything.

For example, I could say and 100% certainty, that I have never even tried creatine, which was considered the slightly strange thing at the time when I was in college, around 2006. And now I don’t even consume protein powder.

I think the trouble here is that it is difficult to know what people do in private, and being a sociologist, and philosopher, I am always curious about the habits of others because I suppose what I am trying to get at is deriving some sort of greater knowledge or ideas about humanity at large, and obviously what I think and say is not true… They are just artful ideas. 


Honestly it just comes down to an ethos thing. At the age of 36, now having Seneca, age 3 years five months, I’m actually kind of getting into the point that I don’t like to spend money, or I have an allergy to spending money. The only thing I don’t hesitate on purchasing is meat, red meat, Beef lamb etc.… Because this is a nonnegotiable good, I will consume it, and it will make me stronger.

To me, assuming life is a MMRPG, or a game of Diablo, consuming meat, red meat, bone marrow, beef ribs, etc. is almost like my experience points. Is that continue to lift weights, try more difficult variations, and develop my muscles, sinus, joints body etc.… I continue to become stronger, level up, gain skills and skill trees, and also, becomes stronger, more dominant, more fearsome.

Are people intimidated or fearful of me?

I’m starting to think… Maybe I am the level 70 barbarian night or paladin, and everyone else is just like a level two Druid.

I think the hard thing for people is when they see me, and they witness how tall, powerful, jacked, domineering, loud, ratchet, and friendly and unorthodox… They don’t know how to categorize me. And when it is difficult to categorize somebody or put them in a box, you end up feeling small, a bit nervous, because you cannot tame a wild animal. 

For example, growing up in the 510, Alameda Oakland, East Bay as a kid… I graduated from high school in 2006, the whole youth culture was stupid dumb and hyphy, yellow bus retarded, ghost ride the whip, Kram the sneak and E-40, go dumb!

The bay area hyphy movement was really fascinating, because as a highschooler, it instilled me a grand sense of confidence, dancing skills and prowess, and the notion of being able to “go dumb”, was almost like our Maori tribal dance. 

Anyways, also the good thing about the movement was a sense of egalitarianism, and everyone was cool and chill. As a guy, all you needed was a white T-shirt (I bang in my white tee), dark blue jeans, and maybe a pair of all white K Swiss tennis shoes, and you were cool! All kids could afford this. Even me!

But I think now, the problem is everything is becoming too hyper and extreme now. Can you imagine… Going to high school, and some kids in your school wearing $700 Balenciaga sneakers and tennis shoes, and wearing 100 supreme white T-shirts… Certainly this is going to diminish your ego. And the funny thing is that even if you send your kids to a private school, in which There is some sort of uniform dress code, the big issue here is that there will always be someway for kids to try to show off how rich they are, bye having the newest iPhone pro, or even bragging about how rich their parents are, seeing their parents pull up in a Lamborghini Urus to pick them up from school etc.

I think the big problem here is that dominance isn’t and shouldn’t be based on wealth and money. In someways, if you want to get super super rich it is pretty straightforward and easy, get a job as a cyber security person, or work some sort of dirty job, which is also dangerous. Or just buy bitcoin.

Why social hierarchy?

I think on a very very basic primal level, what human seek is some sort of primal dominance, because we seek the fairest mates, to produce the fairest children?

For example, I actually call as a highschooler and a college student… I guess my heart was pretty pure… I was always looking for “wifey material”– I still remember 18 years old, trying to find the woman that I would maybe one day marry and have kids with!

For me, very suspicious and scared of sleeping around, because also being raised in my generation, in the 90s and early 2000s… In school we were taught abstinence, and we were shown all these scary pictures of HIV aids, crabs, STDs STIs, and we were taught that the only 100% way to get safe, and not to die from HIV aids was to just not have sexual intercourse… That even with a condom you were not 100% secure.

Anyways, looking back in hindsight, also being raised Korean American, Roman Catholic, I guess it was good that I never got a girl pregnant, caught a sexually transmitted disease or infection, and that pretty much only had one woman in my life.

I often see all these other guys wasting their lives, chasing women going to Vegas etc. What is the issue? I don’t think they know what they want in life?


I suppose now that I am dumb rich, I don’t really have to concern myself with money anymore. As a consequence; at this point, it all becomes pure interest, pure passion, pure curiosity… An honest drive?

For example, once you got your bitcoins and they keep appreciating at 55% APR, year-over-year, for the next 40 years… And once you’re a bitcoin is now worth $10 trillion by the age of 67… Then, how do you live your life?

Or let me give you a thought: what if I could tell you that with 100% certainty you could have $10 trillion, at the age of 65. But, from the age of 35 until 65… You have to live as if you’re only earning $20,000 a year. Would you do it?

Spartan economics

The reason I don’t trust any of these skinny fat loser economists is because:

  1. None of them have been raised in poverty, most of them come from rich families, trust funds, etc. period
  2. Most of them are in terrible physical shape… Look at Warren Buffett… How fat and old and sickly and weak he looks, how are you still consumes Coca-Cola, McDonald’s hamburgers with the bun etc. Or even worse, look at Bill Gates… Look at his beer belly gut, that can instantly kill your boner (Elon Musk tweet)
  3. Most of them are divorced from real reality, don’t walk 30,000 steps a day.
  4. Both of them have academic appointments somewhere, which means that they have infinite money and resources, irregardless of their opinion, being fed from the fat endowments of Harvard and Yale etc.

Create your own economics 

My simple economic idea is never spend money on yourself, never buy yourself anything, besides meat.

And the only money you should think about investing is possibly buying yourself some weightlifting equipment, and Texas power squat bar, but besides this… Nothing is worth it.

Even in the world of photography, honestly all the cameras suck. Cindy and I plan on making a film this December in Vietnam, and we just ordered a Lumix S9 and a 26 mm f8 manual focusing pancake lens, puppy side this, all the other cameras are destined and doomed to die.


I think the big problem is any digital camera is like an iPhone… It doesn’t matter if you have the newest iPhone Pro, within two or three years, you’re going to get outdated, until you upgrade to the next thing.

Honestly I’m starting to get iPhone, iPhone Pro fatigue at this point… I’m just going to stick with my iPhone SE until it dies. The only other Apple purchase I would probably make is if my iPad Pro M1 chip 11 inch goes totally kaput, then I will buy the newest iPad Pro with the M4 chip, — never ever ever the loser big one, which Steve Jobs would have thrown into the furnace, if he were still alive. 

What do you want to create, make, leave behind after you die?

It seems that my open source, self hosted, long-term vision has really paid off. Why? And also how I deleted loser Instagram in 2017…

In a billion years, I would never have predicted, or even imagined that ChatGPT, searchGPT, DALL-E could be invented… And now that it is here, and working insanely well, I was ahead of the curve, almost 20 years! 

For example, ChatGPT already knows how I talk, my writing style, because the 40,000 or so open source blog posts that I put on the Internet, it has learned and trained from my own open source web data, and now, my legacy will probably last forever.

I have been doing some sort of fun experiments, been doing some sort of strategies, having ChatGPT 4o write blog posts in the voice of ERIC KIM, and it works so well… Even I read it and it sounds about 75% me. I am searching that within 20 years, it might sound about 85 or 95% me…

Essentially I am doing my own Turing test…  I am trying to find out that if I could fool myself! So far no, but it is starting to get pretty shocking and interesting what it can do. 

And also… I think the big problem which a lot of writers creators artist don’t know and understand… They really lack and understanding of what exactly AI, ChatGPT, DALL-E is,,, both from a philosophical perspective, and also a technological perspective…

So maybe… I am so well positioned because  I have the blood of a blogger, the area Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Steve Jobs Kanye West and Jay Z in my blood?

Why being ahead of the curve doesn’t really make sense 

What people do not understand is being ahead of the curve, is not really a good strategy because being ahead the curve… 10 or 20 years, you’re not going to reap the benefits until far later, and or there is a high likelihood that you might not get any benefit at all. 

A very high chance of failure 

For example, all these guys who pioneered the early electric cars, gain no benefit from it… Even Marc Tarpeting who actually started Tesla, it doesn’t seem that he actually reaped that much benefit from starting Tesla, and now, after Elon and Marc had a fallout… It seems that more or less, Elon owns Tesla now. Or at least probably has a majority share.

So my honest appraisal is this: perhaps then, the only real reason to start something make some thing or entrepreneur or something it’s because you really care? Like you really care? Without any sort of material wealth or financial social economic advancement opportunities?

Truth be told… I never really knew that being open source was a good financial strategy, until about eight years after the fact.  And this is the paradox of unorthodox strategies… when you’re doing it, everyone thinks that you’re batshit insane, until 10 or 20 years later, when it is been confirmed that you were right… It always seems so obvious!

For example, when 1 bitcoin was worth $0.00… It might have been a smart strategy to buy $100 worth of bitcoin. My great regret financially, when my roommate Kevin told me to buy some bitcoin maybe even $100 worth, back in my junior year of college, was that 2008? 

Even Satoshi has a quote, it may or may not make sense to get some bitcoin… But if it has a chance that it might take off… It might be a good idea to get some…

And even now, bitcoin almost seems like a no-brainer. The only thing to consider is how to stomach the volatility. This is my very simple strategy:

Buy it and forget it!

Literally use Coinbase to buy your bitcoins, and then when you’re done purchasing it, delete the Coinbase app from your phone, and refuse to ever look at prices… You never want to stare at the face of Medusa. No matter how beautiful she may be!

Like if I told you that the face of Medusa  was literally the most attractive face of a woman known to man, ever possible, times 1000, and she had a perfect body all akin to that of a porn star…  and she was totally 100% butt naked,  all angles… But if you knew that even if you took a peek… You would immediately turn into stone and die… Would you do it? Of course not! You turn on the blinders!

same thing with the sirens… You tie yourself to the mask, and you cover your ears with beeswax! Because you know that even the greatest hero Odysseus cannot control himself!

And I think this is where human wisdom comes in… Knowing your potential pitfalls, and strategizing before hand, that potential bad strategy.

Sample a simple financial tip… Back in Berkeley days, that if I wanted to purchase something above $300 USD… I had to consult Cindy first. Ended up being a very good strategy because I am very bad with money.

What is more precious on the planet than your time focus energy, mind space?
