Think Rockefeller

Think Rockefeller

We the new Rockefellers!

ROC nation!

So I guess Jay was really onto something; numbers don’t lie check the scoreboard! And also thinking about building his own Rockefeller ROCAFELLER Rocawear brand. I’m also sure that Michael Saylor is the new Rockefeller for this century and beyond. 


Oil standard oil. Rockerfeller is stupid rich, became stupid dumb rich because he sent you bought up all the oil, oil companies, oil refineries etc., consolidated them all under his own company, even at Brown University in Providence, the main library is called the rock, Named after Rockefeller I think either donated the money to build the library or something?

Anyways, what is more important than money? Capital.

I think what a lot of people don’t understand is the logic of capital. A lot of people get stuck in this whole money idea, like Fiat currency.

So for example, I’ve essentially made a small fortune already on bitcoin and microstrategy stock, MSTR, bitcoin and like, and I’m not really gonna be shocked when my net worth hits 100 M, 250 M, maybe even 1.1 billion in my lifetime. But still most likely, I’m going to drive the same old Prius, maybe I’ll matte black it, I actually had a vision of Matt like it kind of making it look like a BMW M3 in the front, with the bright yellow headlights. Like imagine the Prius, competition edition.

Anyways, rappers are dead, we new BITCOINERS, we the new rockstars!


So once again, it feels like the early days of the Internet. Do you remember the early days of AOL, AWOL 3.0, when they would mail you these free CDs with like 1000 hours of free Internet? And the mad scramble for the Internet, like Alta Vista net zero, yahoo and the like.

The Google of internet capital

My personal thought is do you remember when Google first emerged, and everyone was a bit confused by it, a little Rinky dinky search engine with nothing but the Google logo, a small search box in engine? And suddenly it takes over the planet?

What I find very very bizarre is all these Google employees… They should get it… Why aren’t they buying bitcoin?

What is hilarious is that innovation that got Google to where it is today… The paradox of the innovators dilemma; Google is like the new Microsoft, no more innovation here. Rather, a mad scramble to inject advertisements into every single part of your existence. Even for example, I’m starting to really hate Google and YouTube; Too many advertisements, too much spam, I hate Google. 

In fact I have not used Google search for almost like six months, I just use ChatGPT now, ChatGPT search. ChatGPT is a bit problematic too, but not as bad as Google.

The bitcoin imperative

So once again, if you discovered clean fresh water, and everybody else is drinking sewer water, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to tell your friends your family everybody you know about clean water? And to get them to stop drinking sewer water? Obviously! But what if you’ll hurt their feelings or make them feel uncomfortable? Well I guess you don’t really care about them, you could let them just die of dysentery.

The new Oregon Trail

So once again, everyone is on this Oregon Trail video game, and sooner or later everyone dies of dysentery. And I still will never forget playing Oregon Trail in computer class in Bayside Queens, PS 169, and spending all my money on bullets to just shoot the auction in the squirrels, only need to die of dysentery.

Anyways, I think we’re almost living our new modern day version of the Oregon Trail, and we are starting to get distracted by things like media the Internet social media iPhones etc.… We are all slowly dying of metaphorical dysentery.

In the Oregon Trail, you have the option to purchase medicine. But medicine seems a bit boring to buy when you could buy bullets instead!

But once again in the video game, when you least expected in your troop gets sick, and you no longer have any money because you spent it all on blitz… Who are you going to blame?

Of course it is a video game, real life is different. But everything is often just a metaphor for real life.

4+ years in the game

So technically I’ve been in the bitcoin game since 2017, 2018. When I was living off the grid in Vietnam, in Saigon, I still remember going to my favorite coffee shop, reading zero hedge, and learning about bitcoin, and I still remember the guy who said that he was so certain that bitcoin was gonna go from $300 a bitcoin to 600 bitcoin to 1000 bitcoin, and if he was wrong he would eat his balls live on television.

I first learned about fiat currency then, when I had more time to think and consider and just philosophize about money. I sent you learned that all money was fake, but at the time I did not yet have a strong need or urge or reason to buy bitcoin then because I was already retired at the age of 26, 28. Living for rent was only $320 a month in Vietnam, essentially I knew and learned that I would never run out of money.

Anyways, fast-forward a bit, now living in LA, obviously the cost of living is far higher. So more recently I kind of had more of a need to know and learn.

if you don’t need it you won’t act

 Most people who are financially already doing well and comfortable, they don’t really have a need to know. For example if you already have a bunch of Tesla stock, real estate or whatever… Then the truth is you don’t really have a strong need to know about bitcoin. Because you don’t really need it in the sense that you’re probably gonna be just fine with your traditional stocks, your Tesla stock your Nvidia stock your real estate whatever.

I think a lot of people are starting to wake up now, especially millennials, Gen Z, and “zillenials” (Soren Zhane told me)

 anyways, I don’t know a single human being on the planet who does not seek some sort of financial independence and or security. Certainly everyone has a different reason but the general guiding principle is that everybody wants freedom for one reason or another. For example, some people just don’t want to work no more, which is 100% almost everybody?

I don’t know any single tech worker who actually wants to be there; there are simply stuck because they are stuck into some sort of stock option plan, or because they have an expensive mortgage, or because they got like their four children in private school whatever.

Or it seems that a lot of people in my friends that I know or around my age born in 1988, plus or minus 4 years, like people who are either 32, 34, 36, 40, 42 years old… Once again, everyone wants independent and wants to retire right now! And it seems that everyone’s plan is trying to securitize some sort of  fixed income strategy, like let us say that your living expenses are like seven to $8000 a month, to have some sort of “passive income“, just sustain your cost-of-living. 

So in terms of fixed income strategies, I think it’s actually super simple, just leverage microstrategy stock! The mantra is don’t sell your bitcoin, but, it is 100% fine to sell your microstrategy stock!

So let us say that you have $1 million of stock, or cash or whatever… It is super super simple: just put 100% at that micro strategy style, and once, every month, end of month, when it is time to pay your rent or whatever, just sell a small portion to pay your rent, if it’s like $3200 a month or something. And then, you just ride the gains forever, and essentially your microstrategy stock will be the cash cow for the rest of your life. 

Why don’t people like simple solutions?

I think somebody is trying to sell you some sort of complicated product. Like all these fake ass money investors, none of which or whom we’re actually successful, they will sell you some sort of strange financial product which is mixed between a bunch of these other fake investments, Stocks bonds ETF’s whatever, and actually… My funny thought is there might be some sort of inherent dangers in diversification.

For example, let us say that you have cash money. Do you diversify your cash holdings from US dollars to the Nigerian currency, to the Venezuela currency, to North Korean currency, to the Japanese yen, to the Korean Won, to the Boliviar, the British pound, to the Lebanese lira, etc.?

Or, if you’re building a skyscraper, do you diversify the steel into balsa wood and copper? 

Or, let us say that you have a smart phone, most smart people that I know will just own the iPhone, you want to diversify by owning an android phone, a Huawei phone, a Samsung phone, and the like.

Why bitcoin makes sense for Americans

Once again, at this point if you’re an American, almost universally 100% of Americans own an iPhone, even at this point poor people they all own an iPhone Pro.

So the reason why bitcoin makes sense is that my general sense is that bitcoin is like all American. And certainly the ethos behind bitcoin, a lot of the early cyber hackers, California tech utopists, Hal Finney etc, certainly there is kind of like the cyberpunk, Blade Runner, ghost in the shell vibes here… The early days of bitcoin and crypto is certainly kind of like tech anarchists,,, nobody likes the banks. I don’t even think the bankers like the banks!

Nobody is evil

So there’s all these weird theories conspiracy theories whatever, but all these super evil people running the world etc. but this is false. Everybody is too stupid to run the world and be evil.

For example, no no no it is not George Soros, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton Bill Gates trying to put 5G chips inside your brain, to sell you vegan meat. No or is it the Jewish conspiracy theory about the media Israel whatever. Everyone is inept. 

Even Kim Jang Hoon, who is like what, 300 pounds at like 5 foot four, maybe 80% body fat, borderline about to have a heart attack, still hooked on like thousands of bottles of fine foreign whiskey, as well as having a glass full of like 1000 armored Maybach cars?

Media has no face

I’m kind of starting to read the principles of economics by Saifedean, and one of the useful ideas is that everyone is like an individual agent, and moves in the best of his or her interest. Everyone is rational in this sense; even people that you think are irrational, rather than trying to seek how they are so dumb compared to you, I think it is actually much more compassionate and wise to try to seek to understand why they think we act this way. Seeking understanding, seeking to understand them is more interesting and important than trying to change them to thinking and become you.

“How dare you not be me!”

In fact in the world where we’re trying to seek distinction, isn’t the actual goal to not to want other people to be like you?

Also funny thought is that everyone is seeking some sort of superiority, but once again, we’re all buying into the same standard media narratives?

Unplug yourself

all media is bad, and yes this involves Twitter, X, and the Joe Rogan podcast.

I think the difficult thing here is that everybody is kind of correct, but at the same time, everyone is a bit strange and bizarre.

the matrix

So where I think that the matrix is really really insanely great film is that it is all about reality, fake reality and the metaphor in between.

And this is actually a funny thing that I learned; the truth and reality is not really the goal.

For example, I think Joe Rogan has uncovered how politics really works, and it is very dirty, and very strange and bizarre. For example I’m recently listening to some of the Marc Andreesen and Joe Rogan podcast in the whole idea of debanking, when Kanye said it everyone thought he was crazy, but when Marc Andreesen says it, everyone listens. 

Anyways, the truth is a bit distracting. And yeah yeah yeah let us say that there are aliens or extraterrestrial beings or whatever… Even if that were true I don’t think it really matters. To me matters more is like our health our physiology our minds, our philosophies, our families, our spouses and kids, our future etc.

The next big big big big thing is already here, it is bitcoin.

 so I room is waiting for the next iPhone the next new Tesla car or whatever, the next hugely innovative product which will totally change and transform our lies. Yet don’t people understand that it is already here, that it has already been here for a minute, bitcoin!

I think the reason why bitcoin is hard to understand, even for us take forward millennials is that it is not a tangible product like having a self driving car or a cyber truck etc. Or like having the newest iPhone Pro.

Certainly there is a human bias for tangible things tools and assets, yet I think in reality, a better way to think about it is towards intangibles.

For example, even modern day banking and money it is all already intangible. For example the US dollars in your bank account, ones and zeros, it is already technically all cyber and digital. Even the modern day banking swift system, it is kind of all predicated on computers and data.

For example what is the true hard money out there? It is capital, like capital and real estate, stocks, the S&P index etc., yet what is it backed by? Gold? No. we got off the gold standard a very long time ago. It is based more on mutual understanding trust and the like.

Even the markets, the markets are a beast, an ultra mega beast, nobody can understand it, but yet we all seek it and strive to understand it.

Forever gains

Once again if we think about digital metaphors digital analogies etc., this is very useful because in a physic space perspective, nothing can grow forever. For example, no man despite all of the steroids on the planet could be become a 900 pound muscular man with a six pack.

Also, we could build maybe a 200 story skyscraper, but probably not 100,000 story skyscraper. Not even with all the steel on the planet.

Yet with bitcoin, cyber real estate, cyber capital, this changes the game.

 for example, I live next to one of the main campuses in Culver City, 8777 Washington. They bought out this huge pit, and they are building a mega campus for Apple TV there, and they have been working on it for like over a year already. They have made very good progress but still… If you’re dealing in the realm of physics, even if they suddenly injected $1 trillion into it, you cannot build it overnight. Even if you took all the capital on the planet to build up that plot of land, it would probably take at least maybe, a few months at best.

But with bitcoin and cyber real estate and digital capital, you can!

For example, with bitcoin you could build $1 billion digital skyscraper in an hour or a day. Even the best skyscraper in the physical realm might take five years.

Accelerating the cycle

So the free money hack I’ve discovered is quite simple: buy and hold micro strategy MSTR stock, write it up, and when it is up, sell some stock, and funnel that money back into bitcoin.

I call it like double profits, double profit double dipping.

Kind of insane, I’ve seen and taken an initial investment around $300,000 and turned it into close to around $900,000. In the strategy was simple, just 100% putting everything into micro strategy MSTR stock. It’s insane it’s like almost a 3X gain, in a matter of about 3 to 4 months? This is absolutely unheard of. It even outperformed bitcoin by like 3X!

Optimism for the next four years

So my personal heartache is that the next four years, assuming that you’re on the bitcoin standard, 2025 to 2029 will be the most glorious four years of all time. In fact, I believe this could only be the last Trump presidency, but I’m quite sure that the bitcoin act will pass, ERIC will probably purchase at least 1 million bitcoins, ideally more, And America will continue her global monetary and capital dominance.

Already, you’re seeing everyone else shudder and quake in fear. Russia and Putin, they are scared, in mainland China I’m sure they’re also scared.

What this means for you

So super super simple, just put 100% of your wealth and your capital in either or bitcoin and micro strategy stock.

What’s the difference? Bitcoin is technically the risk free option. And it is also less volatile.

Micro strategy style, MSTR is higher performance but also higher yield.

Personally, I think the ultimate game is to stack as many bitcoins during this lifetime to pass down to your kids kids kids. And to me ultimately bitcoin is more important than micro strategies. Because bitcoin is the backbone and the underlying asset which power is everything, including micro strategy.

For example, bitcoin can exist without microstrategy, microstrategy cannot exist without bitcoin.

The #1 company on the planet 

Michael sailor did it, micro strategy that owns over 400,000 bitcoin, they’re gonna hit 500,000 bitcoins, and soon they’re going to get the mythical Nakamoto, which is the mythical 1 million bitcoins and beyond. I would not be surprised if within our lifetime we see micro strategy obtain at least 2, 3, 4, or 5 million bitcoins. And we will see micro strategy become the number one dominant company on the planet, at least during this lifetime. And you see Michael sailor become the richest man on the planet, at least 10 times richer than Elon Musk.

What does this mean to you? Assuming you put yourself your family on the bitcoin standard, you’re going to be dumb rich, forever.

Sell the second car, sell the house, sell everything and buy the bitcoin.