Apex achievement of the human race

Harness, channel energy


The future of TV?


Digital Energy

How to harness energy and power?


Analogue to Digital

Put a payload in orbit

15 billion years in orbit


Space vs Outer Space

Cyber Space


Gold is money everything else is credit

Check with 1M, IOU


Check is monetary information ,,, monetary energy (gold)

Think energy not information

Energy is Everything ***


Maintain Illusion

Everything is credit

You are moving credit not money

Credit risk or default

Creatures with no pain receptor l,,, squeeze out of the gene pool

Toxic signals in cyber space no pain cost in cyber space


Friction is a good thing we can walk

Toxic or misleading or criminal


Demon in cyber space


Toxic responses is bots

96 bots



Real people argue with bots

You’re arguing with a machine


Love bot?

Build something of beauty in cyber space

Matter and time in cyber space


Matter in cyber space

Material wall $10


Do you want it to be free or not




Tesla — energy frequency and vibration


Potential kinetic vibration

Music harmony


Sense music frequency


Parrot dance and got happy

Didn’t go to music school

Energy frequency and vibration

React to music

Genetically coded into our DNA


Shadows on ghosts, disembodied spirits

Things in cyber space are dead

No real things in cyber space

Energy is life

30 days digital credit

10 hertz, 10 times a second.

Once every 6 weeks we can vibrate


A440; rate on 20th century rails , million times slower

Move once a year at great expense


Million times an hour once master the technology

Frequency vibration

“It’s music to our ears”

Acoustic energy ,,, good at channeling acoustic energy


Digital Capital

Long store of asset


Spartan or Persian

MORE MONEY, buy less every year?


Put it on granite

Putting your capital to work?

Penetration Testing


Non defective treasury asset to the world

Lose 9% a year

Just don’t sink –> create value!

Don’t destroy value


Rising platform

Lucky and talented


Not work anymore forever ,,, endowment for the family

Property & equity

Harvard and Yale forever


Don’t build on swamp


20 years of profit … 100 years of

Bulletproof balance sheet vs melting ice cube

Double your wealth every 3 years, double it 33 years

Never catch up?


Everyone has the same rights





More chaotic, more valuable


Create your own company and opportunities

Chaos Engine

Stampede to Bitcoin

Argentina and Turkey

Betting on collapse?


Genius In Singapore


Heavy hitters

American history

Biggest week

Inflection point


We don’t sell our Bitcoin

Auction off

Bitcoin is property

Property rights

Bitcoin strategic national reserve big deal





Negative to neutral opinion

30% charge

Tax inefficiency is hostile

Tax on transformation is hostile


Fair accounting

One way ratchet


Prejudicial and hostile

Biden ruined the economy


Another 4 years


5% interest in your Bitcoin

Loan at sulfur 6% from Citibank when can custody Bitcoin

100% loan to value

Bitcoin as collateral



Robert F Kennedy


Ethics > Morality


Banks are conservative

Rhetoric matters


Would you prefer to be seated or standing?

Funny thing, it seems that a lot of people desire to be in some sort of high-powered sports car, hyper car, truck etc.… But technically if you’re just standing next to them or the vehicle, you’re in a dominant position. 

For example, I think the reason why people tell you to sit down watch and take a seat, it’s actually because they want to be in a more dominant position than you.

For example, if you are a presidential candidate, have you ever seen a presidential candidate do a debate or speech while sitting? No! They stand!

This is also where modern day education is so… Why do you get kids to sit down? It is probably the worst position for them to be in? Is actually for them to be standing… Walking around, outside outdoors, in the agora etc. 

Ideal would be actually a bunch of people standing, outside in the direct elements, or at least in the shad or whatever… And everyone is standing in a circle, and there is a little speech of peptalk, etc.

Also, today’s brave New World of voice dictation and modern technology, there is no real reason to use a keyboard anymore, or even write down things pen and pad. 

For example, we are brainwashed into thinking that Penn and Pat is virtuous, but when is the last time you had to fill out a form long hand? In fact, I have more difficulty and annoyances having to figure out how to fill out PDF form, and how to edit a PDF form, rather than Figuring out how to do long hand stuff.

Michael Saylor said something interesting, in which whenever you watch sci-fi films, you never see somebody just busted out an iPhone and type it out with your thumbs. No. They talk to Jarvis, or voice dictate it. Think about how Tony Stark interacts and engages with Jarvis his personal computer and AI, he never touches a keyboard! He stands, does the zooming and enhancing with the floating holographic screen, and what he does is talk to it! Kind of like what we could do right now with ChatGPT.

This is why Apple putting a keyboard on the iPad is the worst diss you could do to the soul of Steve Jobs. Or even worse, that’s stupid Apple stylus, even more shameless the Apple Pencil “pro”? Come on guys didn’t you know that Steve Jobs intended the iPad to be used without a keyboard, and for it to be used to draw with your finger, not a stupid overpriced device which will get outdated in a season or two?


National Citi Bank ; Rockefeller brother

John d Rockefeller didn’t trust JPMORGAN Chase

100 years

$1B a month

$5B Microsoft to Bitcoin


Too big to fail


High powered rails


Move B dollars a minute



21$M a coin


Stupid normie

I don’t like normies or normal people



Pray for volatility

21 year .


Become an anime character


Keyman risk

Slay your heroes